I'm silly and I deleted the configuration.ymal file

Hello, sorry in advance for the silly topic.

I’m new to home assistant (installed on a raspberry pi) and while I was setting some stuff up I realised there were two configuration files in the config folder. One was empty and, of course, I decide to delete it.

Now I can’t access to home assistant anymore, neither from the browser or ios app.

Anything I can do or do I just need to start over?

Thanks in advance

I have read that restarting will recreate it, but I’m not going to try that.

You can probably start by creating a new configuration.yaml file with just the line:


And back up frequently. There are add-ons that will backup on a schedule and store the backups away from HA (like in Google drive)

If you can obtain any HA backup files from your device, you can extract files from that backup file using 7-zip.

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did you have the samba addon installed? i screwed up my config before but samba still got loaded and was able to restore the config yaml.

I didn’t but thanks for letting me know, I will install it