I'm unhappy with the removal of GPIO

Macro-32 on Vax/VMS.

Now there was an instruction set architecture that laughed in the face of the Load / Store model

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IBM near me had a 180,000 square foot building on 110 acres that employed thousands of employees who coded in APL. When they closed the facility last year, I could imagine the response of potential interviewers: ā€œWhatā€™s APL. Donā€™t you know any C?ā€

I had a similar issue where I was programming in HPL (Hewlett Packard Language) which was a poor bastardization of BASIC and ASM. After leaving that job, none of the hiring managers had ever heard of HPL. (Un)fortunately, I landed a lucrative position writing in BASIC that lasted for 17 years. Which pretty much ended my career as a programmer.

They had me learn PL\1 in school, just because the mainframe in use was IBM, I guess.
Never heard of it ever since :wink:

We had slide rulers, then learned fortran on punch cards that were feed to a shared computer over night.


But did you have a floor?

WOW :astonished:,

Coming across Home Assistant initially I believed that I had found something special ?

The removal of GPIO is not really an issue for me personally; yet many things have been in the past and I somehow battled through.

I can sympathize with many of you. :frowning_face:

@balloob only chipped in with a few comments here; so looks like he donā€™t give a rats.

@balloob How many feature requests did you receive for this and other breaking changes to take place ?

There are many comments from @petro, @koying ,@nickrout (respect to you all) supporting this.

Please enlighten we the people how you come up with these changes for things like this please.

We; are not all computer hackers. Some changes, can and will not be beneficial for our home automation system.

@balloob donā€™t spend too much time in the sun :sunglasses: please.

Your original vision for this project was ?

Please step back and let others handle this project with the due respect it deserves.
The way this is heading is all wrong. :slightly_frowning_face: I donā€™t think you @balloob envisioned this and not what @balloob initially had planned.

If anyone wants to flame me go ahead.

Just my 2 cents .

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The removal of GPIO (a sideways move at most) has been explained thoroughly.

@nickrout yes thank you my friend for your input; I do understand.

Going forward; what is the plan for HA as you/others see it? Do you know? Does anyone know? Please donā€™t tell me; I/We have to pay for HA in 6 months or a year or two? Hope not. :confused:

Having said that, I would gladly pay for a service that is letā€™s say more user friendly AND reliable (ie not so many breaking changes)

That would be the point for a home Automation system; No? We are not all hackers/coders.

I see too many people within this forum; how should I put it; getting burnt for a better word with the breaking changes.

Maybe (not sure) , there should be a limit of which/what devices are supported perhaps ?

The only reason I say this is because if you have set up a device/integration and it is working it should keep working and always work.

Personally, to get the Home Assistant project more mainstream, hardware is the only option. Plus some $$$ for advertising. I think only then would people/companies take any notice of this project.

I pay now, US $6.50 per month.

If HA never goes any further, I will be happy with it, and I can always have it for free as it is open source.

Also click here Credits - Home Assistant - there are literally hundreds of authors. The each own the copyright on their contributions. No one can steal their code and make it proprietary,

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Tagging Paulus 4 times ought to go down well.

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Yes my friend, no disrespect to you, but so do many, many others like you too. However these same/some people have/are having issues and/are having issues with Home Assistant Cloud.
This is not about Home Assistant Cloud for me, this a fine and a decent price to pay for a service. My gist of it was this.

What if they decide to get rid of ESP Home/Tasmota in the future for example?
I just hope this shite doesnā€™t hit my ESP Fan.


Weā€™ll see what the future brings us.

Hopefully he takes his sunnies off :sunglasses:

5 times actually

Did you even read this thread? Why are you still complaining about something WHICH HAS A SOLUTION.

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What is the solution my friend?

This removal of GPIO doesnā€™t make a difference to me.

Copy the existing gpio integration of the gpio manually as a custom integration, or use hacs to install it
Someone has already taken it over as a custom integration

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As Adrian just said, look in HACS and you will find it. The solution (in HACS) was mentioned in this very thread days ago. READ.

Nor does it affect me, but Iā€™m not complaining about it eitherā€¦ just sick of people that write comments on this forum before either searching or reading what is in front of them.

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I believe the recent issue with HA cloud have been resolved by the introduction of additional infrastructure.

Nabu casa fund development of the Esphome platform so unlikely it will be removed

Are you 100% about that? Looks like the DEVS or the powers that be can/and do whatever/whenever they want.

The next breaking change could be anything they want, and youā€™ve got no control/say/input in any of it.

Yes my friend I did, did you?

Yes, thatā€™s how I knew the issue had a solution when you didnā€™t. Stop arguing for the sake of it.

Heā€™s just trolling now.