I'm unhappy with the removal of GPIO

It would be foolish to send any data that is sensitive just for analytics.
My guess is that the IP is translated to country through a lookup and not real data.
There is no reason to send passwords and usernames, nor API keys or anything like that.
Whatever data is sent feels like (haven’t looked) it’s nothing important.

(But it perhaps could be useful to share the data that is sent as an example JSON so that people who are unsure can see what is sent)

And as I have said many times, why would they hack Nabu casa with just a few thousand users when the crime is the same to hack Google or Amazon where you can get payment details.
I don’t see a reason why someone would do such a thing for nothing.

I’m more worried about buying stuff online than using analytics on Nabu casa.

There are examples in the Analytics documentation :arrow_up:

I have seen that but I was thinking of an example of your own data.

Something like:

If you enable analytics today, basic will send:


And then if you select a higher level of analytics the JSON is updated.

here’s an example

   "installation_type":"Home Assistant Supervised",
      ... etc...
         "version":"<AwesomeVersion SimpleVer""1.2"">"

basically, the only non-private information is all your custom integrations, integrations, addons, and counts.

Great to see that you made a custom integration for the gpio’s in HACS.
I am also in need of the mcp23017 integration, the whole control of lights and sensors in my house is depending on that. I have knowledge of programming, but not in that specific direction.
Perhaps I can somehow support (at least with testing :wink: ) or learn how to maintain such thing.

I have a little concern about maintaining code I can’t test myself, I am thinking of adding it as it was requested by few others. I might order an mcp23017 for testing and add it.
If you have a suggestion for a simple addon that can fit a PI3/4 send me a link in private message.

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One thing you could consider if you are familiar with node-red is this: mcp23017chip (node) - Node-RED. Node-red interfaces easily with HA, but there is a learning curve if not familiar.

Very kind of you! :+1: I understand your concerns and I will try to setup a dev environment in the next days and debug the code, perhaps I am not completely lost and can support you with maintaining.
Am I the only one who is missing the private message button? I also tried to shutdown my adblocker, but it still remains hidden…where do I find it?

Indeed i use Node-Red, but only for complex automations.
I will give it a try, but I think I would prefer the custom-integration solution because I want to keep the Node-Red side as small as possible.

Click on my name and message

It’s not there :see_no_evil:
I know these type of forum, it should be above “4 posts in topic”
Also sorry for getting off topic :frowning:

You have to post more and earn the rank Member in order to gain the ability to direct message.

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I’m also thinking nabu Casa is going commercial more and more.
They have their core paid developers, the home assistant Blue and yellow, price increase, …
In the end, it’s probably a product like homey.
With their hardware and hassos and a few core integrations… and, if your product is not maintained by nabu Casa, you have to hope some Else creaties an integration.
Hacs is probably used for that.
I hope one time, someone forks ha…

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people having been saying this since Nabu Casa inception, still hasnt happened. put the tinfoil away

Well, exactly. Not sure what your expectations are, but surprisingly few of the core integrations were created by (current) core developers.

Yes it does and somewhere I’ve got (at least I think I still do) a small paperback sized box with some floppy disks and a spiral bound manual for something called ‘Pocket APL’.

And as we’re reminiscing I go back to MVS Assembler too and yeah, waiting till the next day just to find out if your code compiled seems really weird now.

EDIT: I should apologise. I was late reading this thread (I’m not even sure why I did :slight_smile: )
When I got to the old timers chat I thought maybe everyone had moved on so decided to chip in.

@koying (sorry for the tag…) I did a lot of Pl/1 programming in a big UK bank and then an airline so it was used!!

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I mourn the lack of COBOL in modern systems.

Can’t say that I do :wink:

Actually, while it’s fun to look back and see where we come from, I can’t say I miss anything from “the good ol’days”

I was never a big fan of COBOL, but at least it was easy to read and figure out someone else’s code. This came in real handy during the Y2K push.

I’m going to get a lot of hate for saying this, but I think the pendulum swung too far the other way with C and many subsequent languages. The push to obfuscate and make programming as cryptic as possible serves only to bolster the coder’s ego. If you’re going that route, you might as well stay down in assembler where at least it’s efficient. Human-readability is the whole point of higher level languages.

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Today the internet taught me that the evolution of programming languages was never for abstraction and specialization, it was exclusively for obfuscation in order to feed egos.
