Image caching cloudflare

Hi, i just setup cloudflared and i’m pretty happy, no portfoward no certificate renewal every 3 month etc…

Bu i just notice an issue… it’s caching image. I was able to bypass that in a lot of my front end ninterfae but one image caching still remain, when I send mobile notification. I have an image that update it self in my WWW… if i check the image in Visual Studio i see the real image the last one. if i send it by mobile notification i see the image from yesterday

is there a way to fix that ?

I know it’s an old thread. Did you find a way to fix this?

Replying to myself, it’s actually quite simple: just create a Cache Rule on Cloudfare to bypass cache for the snapshot images or folders.

Hey sorry i never saw your message. I did not fix that issue. And I think i already did a cache rules. is it working for you ? can you share your rule ?

Sorry to reply to an old thread, but this was the top hit on google.
I had this issue with the Mail and Packages integration, where my notifications would always include a “No Mail” Image and when I checked the actual file, it was correct showing my image.

Fix, if you’re using cloudflare proxy:
Cloudflare > Caching > Cache Rules
Add a rule with URl Full, wildcard operator, Value of https://YOUR.DOMAIN/local/mail_and_packages/* (or drop mail_and_packages/ if sharing whole www folder)
Select bypass cache, save and deploy.