Image Card within Swipe Card = "Unknown Type Encountered: Image"

Any ideas why this would happen? I’ve used the swipe card before but unfortunately it’s become more glitchy over time because it’s received no updates for more than a year.

Can I not use a “stock” HA card inside a custom/HACS card? I can actually swipe between my two cards but both of them show this error message.

Here’s my yaml that results in “Unknown type encountered: Image”

          - type: custom:swipe-card
              left: 50%
              top: 50%
              width: 50%
              - type: image
                image: /local/ICONS_AUDIO/genre_edm.png
                  left: 0%
                  top: 0%
                  width: 100%
              - type: image
                image: /local/ICONS_AUDIO/genre_pop.png
                  left: 0%
                  top: 0%
                  width: 100%

Most importantly, I just want to swipe through images so if there’s a better way to achieve this I’m all ears! Thanks!

old post, but still unanswered… so, why do you set the styling on the swipe-card itself? should do nothing, so take that out and see what happens

Because my dashboard is not stock Lovelace. Everything is placed on the screen exactly where I want it using top/left. You have to place the swipe card where you want it, too. But this was months ago with no responses so I’ve moved on without using swipe cards at all.

ok, thanks,
what card did provide those options then? It seems like the legacy format of card-mod, but since even that would not have been able to style the swiper card without using mod-card (no ha-card element), I am curious

Everything I use is an image or custom button card. Or slider, but mostly I’ve been able to make custom button cards work the best. Nothing is swipeable, but buttons access menus on separate lovelace dashboards with back buttons, which is what I wanted to swipe to initially.