Ohh, already see it this are the lines related to the notification, but again with no image.
08-28 22:59:11.928 14395 14607 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 41, TMD4910 Uncalibrated lux Sensor, 200000, 0,
08-28 22:59:11.928 14395 14607 D LightSensor: Light sensor listener registered
08-28 22:59:11.954 14395 14395 D MessagingService: Creating notification with following data: {color=#F0741A, image=https://mycloudflaretunnel/local/snapshots/snap.jpg?raw=true, title=Están Tocando el timbre..., webhook_id=b2f888953af48c55f679e1299d4724a27b6b28d529868b04a852246ff57f3aa7, message=Esta persona esta tocando..., ledColor=#F0741A, server_id=1}
08-28 22:59:11.981 14395 14395 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: false, usesWifi is: false
08-28 22:59:11.982 14395 14395 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using external URL
08-28 22:59:11.985 14395 14607 D NextAlarm: No alarm is scheduled, sending unavailable
08-28 22:59:12.017 14395 14607 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 6, LPS22H Barometer Sensor, 200000, 0,
08-28 22:59:12.018 14395 14607 D PressureSensor: Pressure sensor listener registered
08-28 22:59:12.023 14395 14608 E MessagingService: Couldn't download image for notification
08-28 22:59:12.026 14395 14607 D SensorManager: registerListener :: 1600479601, Palm Proximity Sensor, 200000, 0,
Something interesting is if I recieved a notification while the app is open it works perfect.
This are le logs when it works (with the app open when i recieved it)
08-28 23:04:32.804 14395 25722 D FCMService: From: 331041709873
08-28 23:04:32.813 14395 14395 D MessagingService: Creating notification with following data: {color=#F0741A, image=https://mycloudflaretunnel/local/snapshots/snap.jpg?raw=true, title=Están Tocando el timbre..., webhook_id=b2f888953af48c55f679e1299d4724a27b6b28d529868b04a852246ff57f3aa7, message=Esta persona esta tocando..., ledColor=#F0741A, server_id=1}
08-28 23:04:32.828 14395 14395 D ServerConnectionInfo: localUrl is: true, usesInternalSsid is: false, usesWifi is: false
08-28 23:04:32.828 14395 14395 D ServerConnectionInfo: Using external URL
08-28 23:04:32.855 14395 17798 D TrafficStats: tagSocket(103) with statsTag=0xffffffff, statsUid=-1
Im thinking that maybe it cloud be related with something of battery saving but not shure it
s only one idea…