I have an esp32 cam displaying a stereo amp volume level.
This image_processing device is supposed to read the setting.
But it only fills my log file with
“2019-08-06 08:58:55 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.image_processing] Error on receive image from entity: Unable to get image”
running ssocr with the exact parameters you see below displays the correct value.
(This is when the camera is working, of course)
- platform: seven_segments
x_position: 0
y_position: 0
height: 120
width: 160
#threshold: 20
extra_arguments: grayscale shear 20 rotate 355 crop 40 50 70 40 -fwhite -bblack
- entity_id: camera.stuemusikk
name: stuemusikk_display