`image_processing` integration doesn't support unique_id?

I’m trying to add both Microsoft Face detect and Microsoft Face identity as image_processing integration. However, they show up as two entities with almost the same entity_id.

  1. image_processing.microsoftface_living_room
  2. image_processing.microsoftface_living_room_2

And image processing integration doesn’t support manually specifying the entity_id. Is there a workaround, or is this something that can be improved? Thanks.

Here’s the configuration.

  - platform: microsoft_face_detect
    scan_interval: 86400
      - entity_id: camera.living_room

  - platform: microsoft_face_identify
    scan_interval: 86400
    group: family
      - entity_id: camera.living_room

What does the name do, then?


OK my bad. I was under the impression that name means the name being shown in the frontend.