IMap Email Sensor does not work with french accents (é) in the search string

I use gmail search strings for imap sensors, works great (for english). One usage case is, I get a notification when my Amazon packages have been delivered (and/or are enoute to be delivered soon)

Example of Working Search String

search: 'X-GM-RAW "from:[email protected] newer_than:12h subject:Example Email Subject"'

However, it fails when I need to use the french accents, as I live in a french speaking area of North America. The exact search string I need to use is:

'X-GM-RAW "from:[email protected] newer_than:12h subject:Votre commande a été livrée"'

The problem is with the french accents in these words: été livrée

As soon as I add that to the search string, the sensor just remains in the state: unknown

The error in the log is:

Logger: homeassistant.components.imap.sensor
Source: components/imap/
Integration: imap (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 1:00:30 PM (1 occurrences)
Last logged: 1:00:30 PM
Can't parse IMAP server response to search 'X-GM-RAW "from:[email protected] newer_than:200h subject:Votre commande a été"': BAD / b'Could not parse command'

It seems HA can not parse non-ascii strings? Does anyone know how to resolve this issue? Thankyou.

(As for now, I have a work around by searching for specific, non-accented, and thus ascii, text in the body of the email. It works, but is not ideal)