IMAP integration - error rendering state template (sensor unavailable)

I have a binary sensor defined which uses the IMAP integration. It’s been working OK until recently, but I just noticed that it has stopped working, and the sensor state is “unavailable”.
When I restart HA I get this error in the log:

2023-10-28 10:17:11.376 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.binary_sensor] Error rendering state template for binary_sensor.parking_booking: AttributeError: 'bool' object has no attribute 'lower'

The definition is below. I’m running HA Core 2023.10.1.

Any idea how I can fix this?

  - trigger:
      - platform: event
        event_type: "imap_content"
          sender: "[email protected]"
      - platform: event
        event_type: "imap_content"
          sender: "[email protected]"
      - platform: event
        event_type: "imap_content"
          sender: "[email protected]"
      - platform: event
        event_type: "imap_content"
          sender: "[email protected]"
      - name: Parking Booking
        auto_off: "00:02:00"
        state: >
          {% if['subject'] is match
          "You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road" and is_state(['initial'], "True")
          {% endif %}

The is_state() function expects an entity ID as the first argument…['initial'] returns True/False, not an entity ID. Just compare the trigger variable to your desired value.

{{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road") 
and['initial'] == "True" }}

Ah OK thanks - I added that quite recently and got it badly wrong!

Hmmm…so I changed the sensor definition to the code below. I no longer see an error in the log, but the sensor is “unavailable” and doesn’t seem to be triggering

      - name: Parking Booking
        auto_off: "00:02:00"
        state: >
          {{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road") and['initial'] == "True" }}
          {% endif %}

The above is unnecessary and is breaking the template. There is no reason to use an if statement when everything fits in a single boolean expression.

      - name: Parking Booking
        auto_off: "00:02:00"
        state: >
          {{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road") 
          and['initial'] == "True" }}

Sorry to trouble you again, but I still seem to be getting something wrong. I now have the sensor defined as below. It doesn’t give any errors, but it NEVER triggers:

      - name: Parking Booking
        auto_off: "00:02:00"
        state: >
          {{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road") and['initial'] == "True" }}

If I remove the 2nd condition it triggers fine:

      - name: Parking Booking
        auto_off: "00:02:00"
        state: >
          {{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road")  }}

…but will trigger multiple times (hence why I need to add the “initial” attribute. This attribute is described in the documentation as follows:

Returns True if this is the initial event for the last message received. When a message within the search scope is removed and the last message received has not been changed, then an imap_content event is generated and the initial property is set to False. Note that if no Message-ID header was set on the triggering email, the initial property will always be set to True.”

(from IMAP - Home Assistant)

Is there an error in the way I have written this, or is this a bug in the IMAP integration which I should report?

It looks like it’s just a boolean-string comparison issue. I have tested using the trigger variable as a boolean as follows:

  - name: Parking Booking
    auto_off: "00:02:00"
    state: >
      {{['subject'] is match("You have a new booking|Booking received|JustPark booking|Booking request for My Road") 
      and['initial'] }}

However, make sure you understand how the initial tag actually works.

Many thanks - that seems to have done the trick. I’m still getting to grips with coding these templates, and really appreciate the help.