Hi, I’m trying to setup HA to receive IMAP using hmail server. Im using an access control system to send SMTP emails to hmailserver in which this is then being picked up by HA and triggering an automation.
I have successfully managed to get this working with Gmail/Outlook by having hmail server forward the email to Gmail/Outlook. Since this can hammer the server (Gmail/Outlook) I wanted to keep it local. I know that my configuration is okay but I seem to be coming across as issue where if the port 143 is used (non encrypted) I get the following error in the log:
ssl.SSLError: [SSL: WRONG_VERSION_NUMBER] wrong version number (_ssl.c:1124)
Im not too sure as to why I’m getting this as I’ve ensured that my firewall isn’t blocking that port. Im also unsure if doing a local server (using hmailserver) has been achieved with this IMAP integration.
Seems like SSL/TSL is enabled but how do I disable this in my config file?