IMAP state changing to unknown every 10 minutes and re-triggering automation endlessly

DOC: IMAP Email Content - Home Assistant

I am currently setup with IMAP where it receives an email, and I have TTS announce the email over my speakers. The issue, is that the sensor is changing to unknown every 10 minutes, and then back to pulling the latest email. This re-triggers the automation I have over and over until I remove the email from the Inbox.

You can see here that each grey line in the purple is an unknown state, which lasts for 30 seconds, then goes away:

What I also found, is that imap_email_content is Failed to reconnect in the log as well. Is this the contributing factor to the sensor going to unknown for a brief period?:


Logger: homeassistant.components.imap_email_content.sensor
Source: components/imap_email_content/
Integration: imap_email_content (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 3:01:32 PM (25 occurrences)
Last logged: 7:20:06 PM

Failed to reconnect