IMAP templating help, how to parse unique date

Hello all, thanks for reading my post.
I know very little about templates. I’ve spent last couple days reading docs, but i’m unable to wrap my head around creating a template for imap/regex_findall_index.

Imap seems to be correctly configured for email access, sensor is appearing. I’d like to parse a date from the attached email. The date in the email isn’t typical format, it is missing the year, and also begins with the day of the week. (i.e. Sunday, June 26) I need the year to be included in value.

I tried a few modifications from the example IMAP docs, but just made a mess. Tried to understand as_datetime and strptime, but its over my head. Below is my config and the email.
I’d be so grateful for any help!

- platform: imap_email_content
    name: consumers_energy_save_day
    port: 993
    username: !secret gamil_imap_UN
    password: !secret gmail_imap_PW
      - [email protected]
  - sensor:
    - name: "Next Energy Save Date"
      state: >
       {{ state_attr('sensor.consumers_energy_save_day','body')
         | regex_findall_index("\*8603\* ([0-9]+) is an Energy") }}
