IMAP to receive in automation the status is read, is deleted

How to get read and/or deleted status in IMAP integration, subscribed to ALL changes, but there is no status in the event. Therefore, the template binary sensor trigger does not work correctly, i.e. it receives the desired message, returns the On status, but does not turn Off when the message is read or deleted.

I don’t think the integration does what you think it does:

I don’t see a reference to an event being sent on an imap status change…

In order for the integration to generate this event, it needs to read the mailbox, if the search is UnSeen, then it generates an event only for unread ones, and if it is ALL, then in my opinion, it should generate an event for all changes. And to transfer a sign is read in event. But this is not.
I tried to make an IMAP sensor on the Trash folder in GMAIL but the integration says that this is not the correct folder name.