I’ve embedded a discreet scale under one of the tiles in the master bathroom and because I’ve not included a display, I have the speakers in the bathroom announce the weight. The problem is I cannot find a quick enough trigger.
If I simply use the state of the scale, if the previous weight and the new weight are the same (very common), the state technically has not changed so it will not announce.
And if I use a template sensor like the below, the now() causes the trigger to only fire off once per minute. As a scale needs to stabilise, I am left playing the statues game, not knowing if the weight is still stabilising or if it is just the delay from the template.
Living up to the namesake! WAF is too low on that approach. Also you’re unable to visually observe when it is settled so are guessing when to press a button and are likely to unsettle it again stretching out to touch the nearest wall.
Ohh I’ve got a load of esp based devices already. Just had no clue esphome supported the Miscale BLE devices. Allows a lot more customization than the native integration.