Implement device discovery based on http API

Hi all,
I’m developing a custom integration for controlling some devices that do not implement any kind of local discovery (no ssdp/zeroconf/etc). So far, the discovery is possible thanks to HTTP api calls against a specific remote endpoint. So, within the async_add_entities() I first call the HTTP API for discovering devices, then I invoke the async_add_entities() to register the devices I found to the HomeAssistant system.

Now, assume that an user buys a new supported device, so that the disdovery HTTP API is able to locate it also. At this point, I’d need to re-invoke the async_add_entities() or the async_setup_entry(). Question is: that is the right way to do so? Should I trigger async_setup_entry() again (and if so how?), or is there any way to call async_add_entities() from outside the async_setup_entry() method?