Home Assistant : Supervised latest version on Raspberry Pi 4 with SSD
I have a water butt monitoring project on another Raspberry Pi 4 that is collecting regular data of water levels in 2 water butts. This is working quite nicely and writes a row to a database recording HRCS04 sonic distance readings to the water surface.
What I have been thinking about is also using this raw data in Home Assistant. I can access a web page on the 2nd Raspberry Pi which is quite nice but recording this data in Home Assistant sensors could be great for integration.
Given that I use mqtt a lot, I wondered if it was possible to trigger mqtt messages on the external database when a new row is inserted. Then these could be stored in an MQTT sensor (not sure how the sensor would be defined yet but I assume this is doable).
I guess the other option is to somehow access this database from home assistant but have not been able to find a way of doing that.
Anyone done anything similar and if so, was it a success?