I am using HomeAssistant in docker with a PostgreSQL database. I chose PostgreSQL for familiarity and also the option to allow infinite retention of past data (or, at least a lot longer than the default 10 days!)
I would like to be able to specify a “measurement taken at” timestamp when adding a sensor reading to Home Assistant. I’d like to be able to do it automatically & programmatically but manual would be OK. Ideally I could extend the POST request (and/or manual input fields) with this field (which can default to ‘now’) but I could maybe live with historical imports only.
I have many use cases for this. I have sensors that are offline most of the time and batch upload when they get connected. But, to start with a simple example, I would like to add my bodyweight which i have been tracking for some time. I’m like to input the historical data for this so i can draw graphs etc. If I add an input sensor, I can add today’s weight, but HomeAssistant will regard any data input as being recorded as of the current moment, and I often take my weight but only input it later.
I’m not the first to want this and wont be the last, but I understand that HA will likely not implement it in core as the whole system is built around realtime and this is a huge complication.
I have seen a few options for historical data. Which option should I choose? Does any of you have any experience and success with this?
Option 1 (doesn’t work): Some recommend using POST requests or File sensors, and indeed I can import data this way, but after a lot of experimentation I can confidently say that HA will block you from any messing with the sensor reading timestamp - ITS ‘NOW’ OR NEVER!
Option 2: @ldotlopez has created a historical sensor module: GitHub - ldotlopez/ha-historical-sensor: Historical sensors for Home Assistant . I think this involves writing custom integrations using his code for each value you wish to add as there are only two integrations using it (both energy). So I think I could maybe build an integration that uses the module? He does note that ☠️ The historical sensor is based on a **highly experimental hack**
but I do think that this is going to be the case for anything involving non-realtime data!
Option 3: Then there’s @frenck 's Spook integrations, which does a lot of things I don’t want/need and am a bit scared (wooooo!) to risk, but in particular affects recorder: Recorder - Spook 👻 a scary powerful toolbox for Home Assistant. This adds a way to import data, which would be an acceptable workaround for me but not quite what I want (being able to insert measurements for any sensor at any given time)
Option 4: Lastly I could make write queries to the PostgreSQL database directly. As long as I know what I’m doing I think this is best as it will give me the most flexibility and doesn’t touch anything that doesn’t need to be touched.
I think it is just a case of inserting into the states table, but I’m not sure if statistics is needed too (since I have such a large retention period I think it will not matter for me? at least until HA becomes too slow).
Here is my idea but I haven’t tried it yet.
metadata AS (
SELECT metadata_id
FROM entity_meta
SELECT metadata_id FROM states_meta WHERE entity_id = "sensor.bodyweight"
INSERT INTO states (
state, last_updated, last_updated_ts, entity_id, metadata_id
(SELECT metadata_id FROM metadata)
For reference, I ran a query to get the schema out, and it looks like this:
"public","event_types","event_type","character varying","YES",64
"public","events","time_fired_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","events","time_fired","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","migration_changes","migration_id","character varying","NO",255
"public","recorder_runs","created","timestamp with time zone","NO",NULL
"public","recorder_runs","start","timestamp with time zone","NO",NULL
"public","recorder_runs","end","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","schema_changes","changed","timestamp with time zone","NO",NULL
"public","states","state","character varying","YES",255
"public","states","last_updated","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","states","last_changed_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","states","last_updated_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","states","last_changed","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","states","last_reported_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","states_meta","entity_id","character varying","YES",255
"public","statistics","start","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","state","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","start_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","last_reset","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","created","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","last_reset_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","min","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","created_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","mean","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","sum","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics","max","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_meta","statistic_id","character varying","YES",255
"public","statistics_meta","source","character varying","YES",32
"public","statistics_meta","name","character varying","YES",255
"public","statistics_meta","unit_of_measurement","character varying","YES",255
"public","statistics_runs","start","timestamp with time zone","NO",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","last_reset","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","max","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","created_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","state","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","mean","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","created","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","last_reset_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","start_ts","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","sum","double precision","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","start","timestamp with time zone","YES",NULL
"public","statistics_short_term","min","double precision","YES",NULL