Importing data from Influx - not showing as "graph"

Starting to get confident with HA now and trying to import data from influxdb (external server) that is collecting a load of data from arduinos/esps and RTL433 sources.

When I import the data (snippet below), it does the import and displays the figures correctly, however, I am not sure I am configuring the data type correctly as I get the “history” as a horizontal line with 100s of different colours rather than a graph of the values.

- platform: influxdb
  scan_interval: 5
  api_version: 2
  host: [not telling]
  port: 8086
  ssl: false
  token: [not telling]
  organization: homeorg
  bucket: diversion
      - group_function: last
        unique_id: "water_tank_temp"
        name: "Main Water Tank Temperature"
        query: >
            filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "main_water_tank")
            |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temperature")
        range_start: "-5m"
        value_template: "{{ '%.1f' | format(value|round(2)|float) }}"
      - group_function: last
        unique_id: "small_water_tank_temp"
        name: "Small Water Tank Temperature"
        query: >
            filter(fn: (r) => r["_measurement"] == "water_tank")
            |> filter(fn: (r) => r["_field"] == "temperature")
        range_start: "-5m"
        value_template: "{{ '%.1f' | format(value|round(2)|float) }}"