Impossible to add new integration / Shelly or any other objects

hello I am new to HA. please bear with me :slight_smile:
trying to integrate a shelly module
a pop up comes up and ask for
port by default it shows 80 in the port
I have tried to add my fixed IP, my home IP, the shelly IP, any IP addresses on my homenetwork.
no luck
I am unsure what to do next
thanks for your help in advance

Is the IP from the Shelly
(HA and Shelly in the same network)

Hello gang…
New comer too…
I checked the various forums, threads, video, but no luck.

I am having the same problem setting up the Shelly integration.

I got everything recognized on my Shelly phone app. I got a Shelly 1 and a Shelly 1PM. every firmware up to date, latest version 2024.9 HA…

First, none of switches are automatically recognized by HA.
When wanting to add device… add integration… I get the picture above.
I tried entering the device IP address, HA address…
No luck.
Detail : my router is a Starlink and I can’t access it.

Tks for your suggestions. :wink:

HA address??? No
Put in the IP address from Shelly to Host and normaly the Port is 80

I did put the Shelly device IP address of one of the 2 devices… :man_shrugging::man_shrugging:

HA server in the same IP Range as the Shelly?


Your comment on the «IP range » put me on the right track (Fiat Lux!:bulb:)

My main LAN runs on 192.168.1. XXX (which contains HA on IP address.

I have a switch that connects to a WAN (with Deco (TP-Link) wifi extenders) and all my wifi devices in the house are on IP addresses 192.168.68. XXX.

I did connect briefly HA to the wifi extender, and voila ! … device was discovered.
So you were absolutely right and thank you for your help.

That problem has kept me puzzled for a week.

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