Impossible to change HVAC temperature - only preset mode - what's wrong?!

I’m trying to change the HVAC temperature (ATLANTIC model) using automation.
I’m able to easily change the preset mode, but totally unable to change the temperature. What’s wrong?

Automation config:

id: '1678172124621'
alias: test temperature
description: ''
  - platform: time
    at: '08:00:00'
condition: []
  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 20.5
      entity_id: climate.hp_actuator_etage
mode: single

Trace timeline is showing:

Triggered by the time at 7 mars 2023 à 08:00:00
Thermostat: Set temperature Deuxième Etage
(climate.hp_actuator_etage) turned unavailable
1 seconde later
(climate.hp_actuator_etage) turned auto
Finished at 7 mars 2023 à 08:00:00 (runtime: 0.22 seconds)

Automation step config entry:

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: 20.5
  entity_id: climate.hp_actuator_etage

Changed variables:

  id: 01GTXDXADVQKBS43975C01WXD0
  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

Weird!!! Why there’s no variable changes ???

I can’t do everything with HOME ASSISTANT but I’m struggling on this temperature topic :frowning:
And the same script is working fine for changing the preset mode (ex: from comfort to eco mode)

Anybody can help please?

I wonder if your climate device only accepts integers. Try this:

  - service: climate.set_temperature
      temperature: 20
      entity_id: climate.hp_actuator_etage

Thanks for your answer @tom_l

Unfortunately it remains the same… :frowning:

service: climate.set_temperature
  temperature: 21
  entity_id: climate.hp_actuator_etage


  parent_id: null
  user_id: null

On the frontend I see the item “custom:simple-thermostat” refreshing when the automation is running but data remains the same.

By the way when I use the simple-thermostats manually in the frontend it’s working fine with 0.5 pattern.

Why it’s not working using script?? Do I need to send another element in the event climate???

Is your hvac_mode set to heat_cool?

no I’m using ECO or COMFORT mode


What’s that ‘Auto’ button that is on?

Go to Developer Tools-> States, find your climate entity and look at the attributes in the right hand column. What is the hvac_mode set to?

AUTO is using preset I think so.
CHAUFFAGE means force to run (not using it, because this HVAC is for huge house with 2 floors)
DESACTIVE is disabled

hvac_modes: auto, heat, off

min_temp: 7
max_temp: 35
preset_modes: eco, comfort, away, frost_protection, external, home
icon: mdi:numeric-2-box
friendly_name: Deuxième Etage
supported_features: 17
current_temperature: 20.4
temperature: 20
preset_mode: eco

Try setting target_temp_high and target_temp_low instead of temperature. See: Climate - Home Assistant

I have seen others using a different hub have a similar problem with an Ecobee Thermostat. If the thermostat is in Auto mode where a high temperature is set to turn on cooling and a low temperature to turn on heat, there must be a range of 5 degrees F between the 2 temperatures. Any effort to change one of those temperatures within 5 degrees of the other will be ignored. I am not familiar with the system that you are using or what ECO mode is but is that a possibility? Have you only tried to set to 20 or 21?

my system is a ATLANTIC 11kW (Pompe à chaleur aérothermie Alféa Excellia A.I. et Alféa Excellia Duo A.I. - Atlantic)

This system is really efficient you can normally choose temperature at 0.5°C and it’s working fine (outside home assistant). With a remote controller you can set preset and temperature (this kind of system: COZYTOUCH - Atlantic )

At this time I’m only able to switch between ECO or COMFORT mode (I configured one at 20°C and the other at 22°C). Easy to switch between those mode only.

I’m testing the change target_temp_high and target_temp_low to see if I’m able to change the variable.

In fact when I’m trying to change temperature for one floor using simple_thermostat it changes the temperature visually only, and letters in RED as shown:

So maybe ATLANTIC hvac is blocking something???
5mn after changing the temperature it’s still 19.5 RED in the frontend but variables (dev mode) are showing 20°C. Refreshing the browser is now showing 20°C black. So climate.xx rejected the values.

Changing preset_mode is fine, but not for temperature.

I’ll try to change the target_temp_high or low values as mentionned by @tom_l and I’ll give you feedback.

it sounds there’s some trouble with Atlantic / HOME ASSISTANT through CozyTouch integration: Issues · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Anybody here is using ATLANTIC / COZYTOUCH and able to change temperature from HOME ASSISTANT ???