Improv via BLE: "Please press the authorization button..."


I got my BT proxy discovered and was asked for the WiFi SSID and PW, which I entered. Then I read the message that a connection to the named WiFi is going to be established. Suddenly that message is replaced by another one (translated below into English):

The device requires authorization. Please press the authorization button or consult the device manual to find out how to proceed.

What does this mean? Which button is meant?

Thanks for your help! :+1:

PS: I’m not sure where I should post this. If this is the wrong place, could a moderator please move it to a more appropriate forum? Thank you so much! :heart:

Are you sure this is the right translation? There may be something about authentication keys, but that is definitely not a button but a passphrase. The Home Assistant requires one to secure the link. It is in the yaml for the esp.

Could it be the WPS button it means?
I have never heard of a router requiring this but that’s the only button I can think of, unless the specific router has some extra safety feature that you enabled.

I cannot reproduce this anymore but leave this thread open in case the message appears again.

Same here, problem with connecting HA Voice PE.

Only thing I can add is that it went fine during first pairing, but had to do a factory reset and now I have this.