Improve transitioning groups of lights to some state over time

If I have a group of lights, where some of the lights in the group are on and some are off, and I turn the lights off with a transition time then some lights that are off will turn on and then transition to off. This seems strange and anoying to me.

I think it would be better that when transitioning a group of lights from one state to another, each light moves to the destination state with respect to its own individual starting condition.

So, in the above situation, lights that are off stay off and lights that are on transition for the time set.

Are you using normal groups or light groups?

This sounds like it might be a hardware issue or something specific to the integration for that hardware. I doubt the issue is with the behaviour of groups. What hardware and integration are you using?

Thanks, @parautenbach , I think you are probably right. I’m using Light Group Helpers configured through the UI. I have nested groups like this:

Lounge Lights (All)
--> Lounge Table Lights
-----> Lounge Table Light Left
-----> Lounge Table Light Right
--> Lounge Wall Lights
-----> Lounge Wall Light 1
-----> Lounge Wall Light 2
-----> Lounge Wall Light 3
-----> Lounge Wall Light 4

The table lights are Innr and the wall lights are Hue.

If the table lights are on and the wall lights are off then transitioning the Lounge Lights (All) group to off works as I’d hope

If the table lights are off and the wall lights are on then transitioning the Lounge Lights (All) group will turn on the table lights.

All lights are controlled using ZHA.

Check if normal groups behave the same, just as a test.

Maybe there’s an issue specifically because you have nested light groups.

Thanks @parautenbach

By ‘normal’ I assume you mean in configuration.yaml?

Sorry, I should’ve said old style groups — just as a test.

Thanks for the clarification.

I added this to my configuration.yaml

  - platform: group
    name: lwl
      - light.lounge_wall_light_1_level_on_off
      - light.lounge_wall_light_2_level_on_off
  - platform: group
    name: ltl
      - light.lounge_table_light_left_level_light_color_on_off
      - light.lounge_table_light_right_level_light_color_on_off
  - platform: group
    name: lal
      - light.lwl
      - light.ltl

And created this script:

service: light.turn_off
  transition: 10
  entity_id: light.lal

The problem I described is evident here too

I mean: there’s a group: domain. That’s the old style group definition. You still have it under the light: domain here.

I’ve addrd this to my configuarion.yaml under my existing group key:

  name: "lwl"
    - light.lounge_wall_light_1_level_on_off
    - light.lounge_wall_light_2_level_on_off
  name: "ltl"
    - light.lounge_table_light_left_level_light_color_on_off
    - light.lounge_table_light_right_level_light_color_on_off
  name: "lal"
    - group.lwl
    - group.ltl

I can’t see a ‘call service’ for turning groups on and off???
