Improve Your Home Assistant Performance with MariaDB Tuning

I have made a configuration template, with some information to adjust the values or remove whatever you want:

  # InnoDB Buffer Pool Settings
  # The buffer pool is where MariaDB caches table and index data
  # Controls how much RAM is allocated to InnoDB to cache table and index data
  # Higher values improve performance by reducing disk I/O
  # Recommendation: 70-80% of available RAM for dedicated servers
  - "--innodb_buffer_pool_size=12G"  
  # InnoDB Log Settings
  # Controls how InnoDB handles transaction logging
  # Size of the memory buffer InnoDB uses to write to the transaction logs
  # Larger values reduce disk I/O for transaction heavy workloads
  # If you see 'wait on innodb log buffer' in SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS, increase this
  - "--innodb_log_buffer_size=32M"
  # Size of each InnoDB redo log file
  # Larger values improve performance but increase recovery time
  # Should be large enough to handle peak write loads
  - "--innodb_log_file_size=512M"

  # InnoDB File and I/O Settings
  # Configures how InnoDB handles file operations and I/O
  # Stores each InnoDB table and its indexes in a separate .ibd file
  # Enables features like table compression and faster truncate operations
  # Recommended ON for better management and flexibility
  - "--innodb_file_per_table=1"
  # Controls how InnoDB flushes log buffer to disk
  # 0 = write once per second (fastest but unsafe)
  # 1 = write and flush at each commit (safest but slowest)
  # 2 = write at commit, flush once per second (good compromise)
  - "--innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit=2"
  # Specifies the method used for flushing files to disk
  # O_DIRECT bypasses the operating system buffer cache
  # Recommended for systems with battery-backed write cache
  - "--innodb_flush_method=O_DIRECT"
  # Number of I/O operations per second (IOPS) for background tasks
  # Should match your storage device's capabilities
  # For NVMe SSDs, values of 2000-4000 are reasonable
  - "--innodb_io_capacity=2000"
  # Maximum IOPS InnoDB can perform
  # Used for burst situations, should be about 2x innodb_io_capacity
  # Don't set too high to avoid excessive flushing
  - "--innodb_io_capacity_max=4000"
  # Number of background threads for read operations
  # More threads can help with parallel read operations
  # Recommended: 4-8 for modern multi-core systems
  - "--innodb_read_io_threads=8"
  # Number of background threads for write operations
  # Separate from read threads to prevent read/write contention
  # Recommended: equal to read_io_threads
  - "--innodb_write_io_threads=8"

  # InnoDB Optimization Settings
  # Additional settings for performance optimization
  # Keeps table statistics persistent across server restarts
  # Helps optimizer make better decisions
  # Recommended ON for stable workloads
  - "--innodb_stats_persistent=1"
  # Enables adaptive hash indexing for faster lookups
  # Can improve performance up to 10% but uses extra memory
  # Monitor usage through SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS
  - "--innodb_adaptive_hash_index=1"

  # Buffer and Cache Settings
  # Memory allocations for various operations
  # Memory allocated for sorting operations
  # Used for ORDER BY and GROUP BY operations
  # Increase if seeing many disk-based sorts in slow query log
  - "--sort_buffer_size=4M"
  # Buffer used for sequential table scans
  # Larger values help with table scans but allocate per-thread
  # Be careful increasing as it's allocated per-connection
  - "--read_buffer_size=2M"
  # Buffer used for reading rows in sorted order
  # Used after sorting to read rows
  # Also allocated per-thread, so keep reasonable
  - "--read_rnd_buffer_size=2M"
  # Buffer used for joins not using indexes
  # Allocated per-join per-thread
  # Increase if seeing many disk-based joins in EXPLAIN
  - "--join_buffer_size=2M"
  # Maximum size for internal in-memory temporary tables
  # If a temp table exceeds this, MariaDB converts it to MyISAM
  # Should match max_heap_table_size for consistency
  - "--tmp_table_size=512M"
  # Maximum size for user-created MEMORY tables
  # Also affects internal temporary tables
  # Should match tmp_table_size
  - "--max_heap_table_size=512M"

  # Connection and Cache Settings
  # Controls connection handling and table caching
  # Maximum number of simultaneous client connections allowed
  # Each connection uses memory, so balance with available RAM
  # Monitor 'Max_used_connections' status variable
  - "--max_connections=512"
  # Number of table handles to keep open
  # Higher values reduce file open/close operations
  # Monitor table_open_cache_hits/misses ratio
  - "--table_open_cache=4000"
  # Number of table definitions (frm files) to cache
  # Reduces need to read .frm files from disk
  # Should be higher than number of tables in all databases
  - "--table_definition_cache=2000"
  # How many threads to cache for reuse
  # Helps reduce thread creation overhead
  # Monitor threads_cached and threads_created status
  - "--thread_cache_size=200"
  # Maximum number of file descriptors server can open
  # Should be higher than max_connections + table_open_cache
  # Check 'open_files_limit' in SHOW VARIABLES
  - "--open_files_limit=65535"

  # Network Settings
  # Configure network-related parameters
  # Maximum size of one packet or generated/intermediate string
  # Increase for large BLOB columns or long IN clauses
  # Monitor 'Max_used_connections' status
  - "--max_allowed_packet=64M"
  # Buffer for TCP/IP and socket communication
  # Initial size of communication buffer (will be rounded up to 1K)
  # Rarely needs adjustment
  - "--net_buffer_length=1M"
  # Seconds server waits for activity on interactive connections
  # Helps clean up abandoned connections
  # Default is 8 hours (28800 seconds)
  - "--interactive_timeout=28800"
  # Seconds server waits for activity on non-interactive connections
  # Should match interactive_timeout in most cases
  # Monitor Aborted_clients status variable
  - "--wait_timeout=28800"

  # Performance and Monitoring Settings
  # Settings for monitoring and performance analysis
  # Enables the performance schema
  # Collects detailed performance metrics
  # Has small overhead but valuable for monitoring
  - "--performance_schema=ON"
  # Disables binary logging
  # Improves performance if you don't need replication
  # Remove if you need point-in-time recovery
  - "--skip-log-bin"
  # Enables logging of slow queries
  # Helps identify problematic queries
  # Check slow_query_log_file for location
  - "--slow_query_log=1"
  # Time in seconds to consider a query "slow"
  # Queries taking longer than this are logged
  # Balance between logging and noise
  - "--long_query_time=2"
  # Disables DNS lookups for connecting hosts
  # Improves connection speed and reliability
  # Use IP addresses in GRANT statements
  - "--skip-name-resolve"

  # Security Settings
  # Parameters affecting server security
  # Restricts imported/exported files to specific directory
  # Prevents reading/writing files outside this directory
  # Important for LOAD DATA INFILE security
  - "--secure-file-priv=/tmp"
  # Disables use of symbolic links for table files
  # Prevents symbolic link attacks
  # Recommended for security
  - "--skip-symbolic-links"
  # Disables LOAD DATA LOCAL INFILE command
  # Prevents reading files from client system
  # Important security feature
  - "--local-infile=0"

To easily monitor I have added this to configuration.yml:

  # MariaDB Status
  - name: "MariaDB Status"
    query: >-
      SELECT 'running' as status 
      FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
      WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Uptime' 
    column: "status"
    value_template: "{{ value if value else 'stopped' }}"

  # MariaDB Version
  - name: "MariaDB Version"
    query: >-
      SELECT @@version as version;
    column: "version"

  # MariaDB Performance
  - name: "MariaDB Performance"
    query: >-
           FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
           WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Queries') / 
           FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
           WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Uptime')
        ), ' q/s') as performance;
    column: "performance"
  # Database size
  - name: "Database Size"
    query: >-
      SELECT ROUND(SUM(data_length + index_length) / 1024 / 1024, 2) as size 
      FROM information_schema.tables 
      WHERE table_schema = 'homeassistant';
    column: "size"
    unit_of_measurement: "MB"
    value_template: "{{ value | float }}"

  # Table count
  - name: "Database Tables Count"
    query: >-
      SELECT COUNT(*) as count 
      FROM information_schema.tables 
      WHERE table_schema = 'homeassistant';
    column: "count"
    unit_of_measurement: "tables"

  # Oldest record
  - name: "Database Oldest Record"
    query: >-
      SELECT DATE_FORMAT(MIN(last_updated), '%Y-%m-%d') as oldest 
      FROM states;
    column: "oldest"

  # Total records
  - name: "Database Total Records"
    query: >-
      SELECT COUNT(*) as count 
      FROM states;
    column: "count"
    unit_of_measurement: "records"

  # Records per day
  - name: "Database Records Per Day"
    query: >-
      SELECT ROUND(COUNT(*) / DATEDIFF(NOW(), MIN(last_updated)), 0) as avg 
      FROM states;
    column: "avg"
    unit_of_measurement: "records/day"

  # MariaDB uptime
  - name: "MariaDB Uptime"
    query: >-
      FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
      WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Uptime';
    column: "value"
    unit_of_measurement: "seconds"

  # Active connections
  - name: "MariaDB Connections"
    query: >-
      FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
      WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Threads_connected';
    column: "value"
    unit_of_measurement: "connections"

  # Total queries
  - name: "MariaDB Questions"
    query: >-
      FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS 
      WHERE VARIABLE_NAME = 'Questions';
    column: "value"
    unit_of_measurement: "queries"

  # MariaDB Buffer Pool Size
  - name: "MariaDB Buffer Pool Size"
    query: >-
      SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(@@innodb_buffer_pool_size/1024/1024/1024, 1), ' GB') as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB Max Connections
  - name: "MariaDB Max Connections"
    query: >-
      SELECT @@max_connections as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB InnoDB Log File Size
  - name: "MariaDB Log File Size"
    query: >-
      SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(@@innodb_log_file_size/1024/1024, 0), ' MB') as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB Tmp Table Size
  - name: "MariaDB Tmp Table Size"
    query: >-
      SELECT CONCAT(ROUND(@@tmp_table_size/1024/1024, 0), ' MB') as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB IO Capacity
  - name: "MariaDB IO Capacity"
    query: >-
      SELECT @@innodb_io_capacity as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB IO Threads
  - name: "MariaDB IO Threads"
    query: >-
        'Read: ', @@innodb_read_io_threads,
        ', Write: ', @@innodb_write_io_threads
      ) as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB Table Cache
  - name: "MariaDB Table Cache"
    query: >-
      SELECT @@table_open_cache as value;
    column: "value"

  # MariaDB Buffer Sizes
  - name: "MariaDB Buffer Sizes"
    query: >-
        'Sort: ', ROUND(@@sort_buffer_size/1024/1024, 0), 'M, ',
        'Read: ', ROUND(@@read_buffer_size/1024/1024, 0), 'M, ',
        'Join: ', ROUND(@@join_buffer_size/1024/1024, 0), 'M'
      ) as value;
    column: "value"

And the basic card to see this data:

type: vertical-stack
  - type: entities
    title: Database Statistics
      - entity: sensor.database_size
        name: Database Size
        icon: mdi:database
      - entity: sensor.database_tables_count
        name: Number of Tables
        icon: mdi:table
      - entity: sensor.database_total_records
        name: Total Records
        icon: mdi:counter
      - entity: sensor.database_records_per_day
        name: Records per Day
        icon: mdi:chart-line
      - entity: sensor.database_oldest_record
        name: Oldest Record
        icon: mdi:clock-start
  - type: entities
    title: MariaDB Status
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_status
        name: Server Status
        icon: mdi:database
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_version_2
        name: Version
        icon: mdi:database-check
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_performance
        name: Performance
        icon: mdi:chart-line
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_uptime
        name: Uptime
        icon: mdi:timer-outline
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_connections
        name: Active Connections
        icon: mdi:connection
      - entity: sensor.mariadb_questions
        name: Total Queries
        icon: mdi:database-search
  - type: grid
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: InnoDB Buffer Pool
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_buffer_pool_size') }}"
        icon: mdi:memory
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: blue
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Max Connections
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_max_connections') }}"
        icon: mdi:account-multiple
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: green
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Log File Size
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_log_file_size') }}"
        icon: mdi:file
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: orange
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Temp Table Size
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_tmp_table_size') }}"
        icon: mdi:table
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: purple
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: IO Capacity
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_io_capacity') }}"
        icon: mdi:speedometer
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: red
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: IO Threads
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_io_threads') }}"
        icon: mdi:developer-board
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: cyan
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Table Cache
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_table_cache') }}"
        icon: mdi:cached
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: amber
      - type: custom:mushroom-template-card
        primary: Buffer Sizes
        secondary: "{{ states('sensor.mariadb_buffer_sizes') }}"
        icon: mdi:buffer
        layout: vertical
        icon_color: teal


Have you noticed much improvement since making these changes?

I have not done a deterministic analysis, but it has greatly improved the speed of updating the status of the entities in general, also the startup, and other aspects. These settings are not a rule of thumb, they must be adjusted according to the equipment where you run, in my case:

  • haOS on PC
  • 4 Cores
  • 16GB RAM
  • 256GB NVME

My HA:

  • 2684 entities
  • 248 devices
  • EMQX
  • Music Assistant

Even if I did a deterministic analysis, it would only be valid for my particular case. It is better to go to MariaDB Server Documentation - MariaDB Knowledge Base and know what options are available. Also other links:

And if you do not want to calculate each value, there are some automatic tools such as:

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Thanks everyone for the responses. It’s nice to see the amount of reactions and the new implementation this now has.

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Thanks for that. I might give one of the calculators a go. Though I doubt it will help with my start up time. That is mainly constrained by a Daikin Heat Pump integration, not DB performance. Without that one integration enabled my start up time goes from 50 seconds to 10.

Tried the settings on a NUC with an N100 and similar spec numbers as jmrplens. Glad to see memory now gets used for something at least :slight_smile: Boot times did not do that much. Most notable differences so far were in the Energy dashboard. Getting all year data has improved vastly. But have not used the settings long, so lets see in a while.

Hm… I feel lost a bit with setup. So using this new template for config parameters I get aand error:

Configuration warnings
Setup of package 'mariadb' failed: Integration 'mariadb_server_args' not found.

So clearly some additionbal component is missing. Is this Notify Service to send commands to MySQL? I’m confused, as data structure looks different… Or is it part of MariaDB add-on and in this case it will not work with stand alone instance of Maria DB (docker on Syno0logy NAS)?

OT: It seems that these paramenetr eventually coul dbe configured by SQL Notify integration in my case, but I dod not managed this yet to worrk,

But another comment regarding SQL sensors… After configuring these I now receive lots of warnings in log:

2025-01-12 15:44:36.777 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.database_total_records is taking over 10 seconds
2025-01-12 15:45:06.783 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.database_total_records is taking over 10 seconds
2025-01-12 15:45:36.787 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.database_total_records is taking over 10 seconds
2025-01-12 15:46:06.788 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.entity] Update of sensor.database_total_records is taking over 10 seconds

For reference my DB stats:
Screenshot 2025-01-12 at 20.26.39

DB runs on Synology NAS (RS2418+) in docker, SSD volume and with 10GB LAN connection to HA VM.

Could this be somehow remediated? What is the impact of such long running queries on DB performance?

That option appears in the last update of the addon, have you checked that the updates are searched or have you updated it?

If you have updated it, if you can share the complete settings (yaml format) that you have defined (obviously, hide usernames and passwords)

It is normal, that data takes a long time to count when the database is large, if it coincides that there are more tasks, the time to obtain the data increases a lot.

It is a value to monitor, if you are not going to use it, better disable that SQL query.

I have the same warning, here is my data:

Thanks Jose!

Unfortunatelly I use Maria DB in docker on my Synology NAS, so this is not applicable for me :frowning:

This is what I actually did, disabled this one sensor, while keeping others. A bit less of infor, but I think this one is not so essenttial…

Finally got MariaDB parameters tuned and I’m shocked. Made some tests on my history dashboard (using History Explorer Card to show ~60 sensors, some of them generating few datapoints per minute, some updating every hour or so). Here is summary of differences:

Timespan  prev  now
1 day      4s   <1s   # full details
1 week    10s   <1s   # full details
1 month   50s    4s   # full details
1 year    10m    5s   # only statistics above 1 month

So difference is shocking, even I had quite fast setup previously (decent NAS, 10Gb connection DB running on mirrored SSD volume).
Yet, count of records takes more than 10 seconds :rofl: