In need of a GOOD Argument!

Hoping, the title got your attention…:grinning::grinning::grinning:

I am running HASS.IO on a RPi3, and trying to setup the “System Monitor”. platform. I have most of the Sensors working, with the exception of the Network Sensors. As an example, I tried;


  • platform: systemmonitor
    • type: network_in
      arg: ‘Local Area Connection’

which did not work, gave me bootup errors. Then I replaced the argument line with;

    arg: eth0

and again, I still got the bootup errors. Finally, I removed the argument line, which allowed HASS.IO to bootup without any errors. But, on the display, I see;

Recieved . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .unkown MiB

So, my question is, Is anyone using the “System Monitoring Platform” on the RPi3, and if so, what is the argument that you are using for the Network Sensors???

Check the documentation:

On it required to use the terminal to get the NIC name.

The name of the interface is something longer than that, that incorporates the NIC’s MAC address, on Raspberry Pi. It likely starts with eth0 though. You would normally run ifconfig in the terminal to find it. I’ll confess that, since I am not a user, I am not sure whether you even have terminal access…

@ netopiax Thanks, using Putty, I entered the following command line;

$ ifconfig -a | sed ‘s/[ \t].*//;/^$/d’

and it returned


not sure what the “lo” is, but I set the argument to “arg: eth0”. And further relized, that doing so, changed the entitie name from “sensor.received” to “sensor.received_eth0”.

When I added ''sensor.received_eth0", to the configuration,I started to see numbers, that made more sense.

“lo” is the loopback adapter, a.k.a. localhost on