In-wall socket energy monitoring

Is there such a device that can be installed in-line i.e. 2 input (live and neutral) and 2 output (live and neutral) that will monitor the energy used/going through the device?

I have 3 dedicated high amperage sockets in my kitchen for the oven, microwave and extractor hood and I wanted to monitor their energy consumption and cost in my energy dashboard.

I’ve seen Shelly EM with a clamp etc and it’s very expensive for what it is tbh and relies on a clamp which may well be accurate but makes it quite expensive. I bought 5 20A Zigbee sockets that have been working perfectly from AE and I have had no issues so Shelly seems like a rip off.

Edit: I’m in the UK if that makes any difference.

So what is missing? 20A is not enough?

Sorry I should have clarified. The 20A sockets are 3-Pin sockets that I can use with appliances. The oven, microwave and extractor hood are wired in directly to their respective switches. Like the picture below

And what’s the voltage and Amp rating of these lines?

These two statements are at odds. Safe energy monitoring costs money. You’re also asking for wired- in and EU safety standards…

You need to use something that is capable of the load. Whatever it is.

All of those statements = $

What @Karosm said. Exact voltage and amperage of the line and preferred what the load is. Induction loads play hell on smart stuff (and thus the need for a clamp)

I love Shelly Em, and it’s not really so expensive if you count that one Em can measure two lines. It’s incredibly accurate and you don’t need to worry about some AE device heating up because the current rating was “optimistic” or simply wrong…

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Voltage is 230v
Amperage for ovens is 16a

Shelly pm mini 3gen is rated for 16A. 10-15eur.