Inability to import Insteon devices

I’m new to HA, drawn here specifically to take over my existing Insteon 2245-222 since the company folded back in April. I already run a Synology Diskstation so I installed Docker and used that to install HA (the “stable” release which currently seems to be Home Assistant 2022.4.7). I installed the Insteon integration without any trouble (I entered my hub details and clearly got it connected to HA).

… umm… how do I get all my Insteon devices to show up (existing already paired devices)?

I ran across this in github, which seems to be the same as my problem. I added the logging but there’s nothing useful, as far as I can tell:

2022-05-02 06:34:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: connection.made data: {}
2022-05-02 06:34:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: send.get_im_info data: {}
2022-05-02 06:34:26 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: send_message.get_im_info data: {'msg': msg_id: 0x60, 'priority': 1}
2022-05-02 06:34:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: ack.get_im_info data: {'address': 4628df, 'cat': 0x03, 'subcat': 51, 'firmware': 165}
2022-05-02 06:34:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: handler.get_im_info data: {'address': 4628df, 'cat': 0x03, 'subcat': 51, 'firmware': 165}
2022-05-02 06:34:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [pyinsteon.topics] Topic: 4628df.aldb_status_changed data: {}
2022-05-02 06:34:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.insteon] Insteon device count: 1
2022-05-02 06:34:31 DEBUG (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.insteon.utils] Insteon Services registered

I’ve also tried going into HA devtools and “calling the Insteon service” like this:

service: insteon.load_all_link_database
  entity_id: all

Any other instructions or ideas for how I can discover my existing paired Insteon deviecs?

Replying to myself with the answer in case anyone stumbles here:

I hadn’t setup a proper /config directory for my docker instance. HA would run fun and kick off the Insteon integration, however, something about the lack of the proper directory meant devices weren’t being discovered and/or weren’t getting recorded in the correct place. This is solved now: make the /config directory!

You mean follow the docs? To radical for most people :slight_smile: