!include at top level

This is a snippet from the config I’m trying. It’s perfectly logical and straightforward, and nothing in the documentation so much as implies that it wouldn’t work.

!include platforms.yaml


It doesn’t work, and produces a cryptic error:

$ hass --script check_config --files
Testing configuration at /home/hass/.homeassistant
2017-08-06 18:23:29 ERROR (Thread-2) [homeassistant.util.yaml] mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/home/roothorick/hass/core.yaml", line 5, column 14
2017-08-06 18:23:29 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.bootstrap] Error loading /home/hass/.homeassistant/configuration.yaml: mapping values are not allowed here
  in "/home/roothorick/hass/core.yaml", line 5, column 14

My best guess is it’s trying to tack on the homeassistant: block to the last block in platforms.yaml. Why? Is this intentional? Bug? Is there any way to do what I want?

I think this note from “splitting up the configuration” does in fact imply that this won’t work:

Note that there can only be one !include: for each component so chaining them isn’t going to work. .

Your include isn’t associated with a component.

What are you trying to do with this configuration?
Maybe have a look at packages…