The new Energy Management Overview is great, but I am missing a central part in my energy usage. I run a photovoltaic system including a battery/powerwall.
It is loaded throughout the day using the solar power generated in house and discharged at night, or whenever the energy is needed and cannot be provided by the solar panels at the time.
Currently the energy management does not visualize the energy that is stored in the battery over the day, so it looks like I am not using any energy at night, where the house is “autark”.
I was thinking about the similar feature to request - I’m not using batteries yet, but my electric energy provider kinda “stores” my surplus in the grid. whenever my solar output is bigger than my needs, the surplus goes to the grid and when I need it (when solar production stops or is smaller than my demand) I can “retrieve” 80% of what I’ve send to the grid. right now the energy management panel would treat that as normal grid import, which is wrong.
as I can understand, my situation is kinda having an unlimited volume battery with 80% efficiency, with it’s storage being reset to 0 once a year.
it would be great to have some configuration for battery with some optional variables (like efficiency, reset-to-zero date setting, limited or unlimited volume etc.)