Include common sensors, possible?

I’ve been trying to separate the three common sensors I use on my devices, but without any success.
But I’m a newbie, at EspHome and yaml, so there’s a high possibility that I’m doing things wrong.

Lets say that I have a device with a configuration like:


  - pin: D2


# Common sensors
  - platform: wifi_signal
    name: "${friendlyname}_RSSI"

  - platform: uptime
    name: "${friendlyname}_Uptime"
  - platform: adc
    name: "${friendlyname}_VCC"

  - platform: dallas
    id: temp1
    name: "${friendlyname}_temp 1"
    address: 0xEC00000B0EFA5E28

I would like to get the sensors between the comments out in a file and add it to all my devices. I’ve tried so far:
Creating the new file with the parent sensor tag works, but does substitution, one or the other.

  - pin: D2


<<: !include 10-common-sensors.yaml

  - platform: dallas
    id: temp1
    name: "${friendlyname}_temp 1"
    address: 0xEC00000B0EFA5E28

Gives error for the - dallas tag not allowed there.

mapping values are not allowed here
in “/root/config/custom-esp-ds18b20.yaml”, line 33, column 13:
- platform: dallas

Adding one indentation to the include throws another error

while parsing a block mapping
in “/root/config/custom-esp-ds18b20.yaml”, line 31, column 3:
<<: !include 10-common-sensors.yaml
expected , but found ‘-’
in “/root/config/custom-esp-ds18b20.yaml”, line 33, column 3:
- platform: dallas

Also tried:


  - pin: D2


  - platform: dallas
    id: temp1
    name: "${friendlyname}_temp 1"
    address: 0xEC00000B0EFA5E28

<<: !include 10-common-sensors.yaml

But gives errors on all the contents of the file.

Failed config

platform: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:1]

Component not found: platform.
name: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:2]

Component not found: name.
icon: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:3]

Component not found: icon.
update_interval: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:4]

Component not found: update_interval.
filters: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:6]

Component not found: filters.

  • delta: 1
    unit_of_measurement: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:11]

Component not found: unit_of_measurement.
pin: [source /root/config/10-common-sensors.yaml:19]

Component not found: pin.

Also tried multiple forms of indentation on the file (no, or one tab) to no avail.

Is there a way to accomplish this?

Take a look at packages Configuration Types — ESPHome

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