Hallo Forum-Gemeinde,
ich habe eine Garantia-Füllstandsanzeige in meinem Haus verbaut. Die gibt den Füllstand der Zisterne in % an. link
Den angezeigten Zahlenwert möchte ich in Home Assistant bspw. über ESPHome einbinden. Hat das schon mal jemand von euch gemacht? Es gibt ja schon tutorials, wie man über eine ESP32 -Cam solche Siebensegmentanzeigen digitalisiert, mir wäre es ehrlich gesagt am liebsten den Wert ohne viel Schnickschnack abzugreifen.
Hey, sorry, i didn’t see, your last massage. Here it is in english:
i have a water tank in my garden with a sensor and display from garantia .
Does anyone has experience with this device and to include the %-value of the display into home assistant? In a little research i read about some project where displays like that could be read by a ESP32 - CAM. But i would rather keep it simple if possible. Maybe the the displayed value correlates with some electric voltage, that could be used?
Thanks in advance for any ideas.
kind regards,
Here is an image of the PCB. Two wires are for the 24 V power supply and two go to the sensor in the water tank.
My assumption is, that the water level in the tank. is direct proportional to the current in that wire. Could i destroy something, when i measure the current in that wire?