Inclusion/Exclusion Mode Linear/GoControl WD500Z-1

I have a pretty old WD500Z-1 switch that I cannot get into exclusion/exclusion mode. I recently made the switch from ST to HA, and it worked fine with ST. The manual says to tap up 5 times and then hold down for 15 seconds. It says the LED will start blinking slowly and speed up to indicate it is in pairing more. That doesn’t happen when I attempt to put it into exclusion.

Does anyone have any ideas?

That key sequence is the factory reset, and lots of threads say it doesn’t work. For exclusion, you should be able to set the controller to exclusion mode then tap either up or down “twice”. Some people say there is a sweet spot to how close the switch must be to the controller for exclusion to work, on the Hubitat forum someone said around 5-10 feet.