Incomfort stopped working (no new entities)

I have been running the Incomfort integration succesfully for a while. Today I changed the IP address of the gateway, and suddenly it doesn’t create the entities anymore. No errors in the log, but none of the entities exist anymore. This is the only related items in the logs:

2023-02-07 21:38:14.998 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Gateway(hostname= instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:14.999 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=heaterlist.json, auth=REDACTED)
2023-02-07 21:38:16.727 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=heaterlist.json): response = {'heaterlist': ['000W00000', '000W00000', None, None, None, None, None, None]}
2023-02-07 21:38:16.727 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Heater(serial_no=000W00000) instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:16.728 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Heater(serial_no=000W00000) instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:16.728 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Gateway( = ['000W00000', '000W00000', None, None, None, None, None, None]
2023-02-07 21:38:16.728 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=data.json?heater=0, auth=REDACTED)
2023-02-07 21:38:17.385 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=data.json?heater=0): response = {'nodenr': 250, 'ch_temp_lsb': 168, 'ch_temp_msb': 24, 'tap_temp_lsb': 184, 'tap_temp_msb': 19, 'ch_pressure_lsb': 174, 'ch_pressure_msb': 0, 'room_temp_1_lsb': 108, 'room_temp_1_msb': 7, 'room_temp_set_1_lsb': 8, 'room_temp_set_1_msb': 7, 'room_temp_2_lsb': 255, 'room_temp_2_msb': 127, 'room_temp_set_2_lsb': 255, 'room_temp_set_2_msb': 127, 'displ_code': 126, 'IO': 0, 'serial_year': 0, 'serial_month': 0, 'serial_line': 0, 'serial_sn1': 0, 'serial_sn2': 0, 'serial_sn3': 0, 'room_set_ovr_1_msb': 0, 'room_set_ovr_1_lsb': 0, 'room_set_ovr_2_msb': 3, 'room_set_ovr_2_lsb': 132, 'rf_message_rssi': 27, 'rfstatus_cntr': 0}
2023-02-07 21:38:17.386 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Heater(000W00000).status() = {'display_code': 126, 'display_text': 'standby', 'fault_code': None, 'is_burning': False, 'is_failed': False, 'is_pumping': False, 'is_tapping': False, 'heater_temp': 63.12, 'tap_temp': 50.48, 'pressure': 1.74, 'serial_no': '000W00000', 'nodenr': 250, 'rf_message_rssi': 27, 'rfstatus_cntr': 0}
2023-02-07 21:38:17.386 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=data.json?heater=1, auth=REDACTED)
2023-02-07 21:38:18.178 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected integration that called async_setup_platforms instead of awaiting async_forward_entry_setups; this will fail in version 2023.3. Please report issue to the custom integration author for hacs using this method at custom_components/hacs/, line 177: hass.config_entries.async_setup_platforms(
2023-02-07 21:38:19.237 WARNING (MainThread) [hyundai_kia_connect_api.KiaUvoApiEU] Unsupported language: en-GB, fallback to en
2023-02-07 21:38:19.758 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] _get(url=data.json?heater=1): response = {'nodenr': 237, 'ch_temp_lsb': 0, 'ch_temp_msb': 0, 'tap_temp_lsb': 0, 'tap_temp_msb': 0, 'ch_pressure_lsb': 0, 'ch_pressure_msb': 0, 'room_temp_1_lsb': 0, 'room_temp_1_msb': 0, 'room_temp_set_1_lsb': 0, 'room_temp_set_1_msb': 0, 'room_temp_2_lsb': 0, 'room_temp_2_msb': 0, 'room_temp_set_2_lsb': 0, 'room_temp_set_2_msb': 0, 'displ_code': 0, 'IO': 0, 'serial_year': 0, 'serial_month': 0, 'serial_line': 0, 'serial_sn1': 0, 'serial_sn2': 0, 'serial_sn3': 0, 'room_set_ovr_1_msb': 0, 'room_set_ovr_1_lsb': 0, 'room_set_ovr_2_msb': 0, 'room_set_ovr_2_lsb': 0, 'rf_message_rssi': 0, 'rfstatus_cntr': 0}
2023-02-07 21:38:19.758 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Heater(000W00000).status() = {'display_code': 0, 'display_text': 'opentherm', 'fault_code': None, 'is_burning': False, 'is_failed': False, 'is_pumping': False, 'is_tapping': False, 'heater_temp': 0.0, 'tap_temp': 0.0, 'pressure': 0.0, 'serial_no': '000W00000', 'nodenr': 237, 'rf_message_rssi': 0, 'rfstatus_cntr': 0}
2023-02-07 21:38:19.846 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.config_entries] Config entry 'My home' for smartthings integration not ready yet: Internal Server Error (500): {"requestId": "DAB5DE3B-3F96-4544-8E00-8B4F591C547D", "error": {"code": "UnexpectedError", "message": "A non-recoverable error condition occurred.", "details": []}}; Retrying in background
2023-02-07 21:38:19.934 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Room(room_no=1) instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:19.935 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Room(room_no=1) instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:19.935 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Room(room_no=2) instantiated.
2023-02-07 21:38:19.983 DEBUG (MainThread) [incomfortclient] Room(2).status() = {'room_temp': 0.0, 'setpoint': 0.0, 'override': 0.0}