Inconsistencies with energy usage (based on HA Glow)

Just curious to know if there’s something I don’t have configured or that may otherwise be wrong.

I have the Energy dashboard which picks up our grid usage based on HA Glow. The data in the energy dashboard at the end of each day reflects what our power company says we used.

In addition to the dashboard, I have a card on my frontend that utilises the built-in ‘house - daily energy’ sensor - just so we can see it at a glance. The card is always ahead of the energy dashboard.

For example, at present the energy dashboard tells me we have used 5.9kWh, but the card says 7.2kWh.

Has anyone else out there had this issue? I have tried the other energy entities but most don’t seem to work. TIA!

The energy dashboard only updates hourly. The sensor will update in real time as new measurements come in.

Ok that makes some sense. The thing is, we also have solar and have not used any power after 11am but the numbers still don’t match (now 7pm here). So why would the card show 7.2 if there’s been no grid consumption for the last several hours.

(Ignore the solar, that’s not currently working. We’re just monitoring grid at the moment)

The only way is if you are not using the same entity in the card as in the energy dashboard.

Sorry for the delay - Ok so I removed all my solar-related entities to narrow down the list and now have the following energy items to choose from if I search my entities for ‘energy’


I use the ‘daily energy’ entity presently for the card, would that be right? Here’s the code snippet from the Home Assistant Glow configuration:

  # Total day useage
  - platform: total_daily_energy
    name: '${friendly_name} - Daily Energy'
    id: sensor_total_daily_energy
    power_id: sensor_energy_pulse_meter
    unit_of_measurement: 'kWh'
    icon: mdi:circle-slice-3
    state_class: total_increasing
    device_class: energy
    accuracy_decimals: 3
      # Multiplication factor from W to kW is 0.001
      - multiply: 0.001

You can use the daily or total, it should make no difference.