I have 2 Quibino Smart Meter.
1x (1phase) for my IT equipment → in Energy Dashboard in ’ Monitor individual devices’
1x (3Phase) for Total consumption → in Energy Dashboard ‘Sources’ and ‘Energy Usage’.
The 1phase is calculating everything correct. I changed for both qubino the ‘device_class=energy’ and ‘state_class:total_increasing’
When I download the SQL Entries with Query
SELECT * FROM states WHERE entity_id="sensor.qubino_goap_zmnhxdx_3_phase_smart_meter_energy_2
both entities the state is increasing constantly.
But in Energy Dashboard, only the 1phase is calculated correct.
Total Energy used for 1 day > 1000kWh is not normal.
How is it possible to have more power consumption in 1 hours than the total consumption reported in Zwave entitie (37.8) for all the time?