I have had a problem in Home Assistant (2024.9.2) where some incorrect data was recorded on 12 September. I have used the developer tools/statistics to correct the hourly values which has worked perfectly. However the graph is still incorrect as shown.
Any ideas on what I need to do to fix the graph? Really bugging me!
What is a value of purge interval in your setup? Is it a default “10 days”?
Today is 23.09. If you have this purge interval > 10 days - then may be this “spike” comes from history, not LTS?
I am sorry, i don’t really know what you mean by purge interval. I haven’t changed any default settings in recorder.
Stats seem to go into LTS after 5 days.
I know what caused this spike, i corrected the values in the developer tools, but the graph is still wonky. I really don’t want to get into the SQL database to fix it as i don’t know what I am doing.
Looking in configuration.
purge_keep_days: 5
You changed the LTS but that doesn’t change the short-term history. The default purge time is 10 days, so it should clear out in a day and your fixed LTS will show up instead.
Edit: I see you changed it from the default to 5 days, so this should have already happened.
It was not mentioned here that the displayed graph is for 5minutes stats.
Besides, since the purge interval = 5, then both history and short-term stats will be not available after 5 days. Here a spike took place on 12.09, the OP posted 23.09.
You posted an unformatted code which does not allow to check if the 2nd line has a proper indentation.
And for clarity - how did you get this graph?
The indention is below and i believe to be fine.
purge_keep_days: 5
The graph is the history graph that is accessed by clicking an Entity Card then ‘show more’.
What is written on a tooltip when hovering a point with a spike? Is it a history or statistics?
Hi Lldar,
It reads, Source: Long Term Statistics.
It’s ildar ))
LTS - then your stats in DB seem not corrected.