Increase font size of numbers on manual alarm panel keypad

Thank you for the quick response! I went the card-mod route and that did the trick, thank you very much!

Another question when you have time. I’m also interested in the countdown timer. I’ve created the manual folder in custom_compontents, added the 3 files and restarted HA. However, I’m still not seeing the countdown timer appear when arming my system. Any idea’s?

Is there anything useful in the log? You should see a message like:
You are using a custom integration manual which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

Not seeing the message about using a custom integration for manual in the logs. I probably didn’t set it up correctly. I could not find it in HACs.

Logger: frontend.js.latest.202103026
Source: components/system_log/
First occurred: 1:43:26 PM (78 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:19:05 PM

You downloaded the three files from, and installed them in custom_components/manual beneath your config folder?

Technically I created the files myself and just copied the contents.
The files are located in custom_components/manual within my config folder. After a restart a new file called `pycache’ was created.
Do I need to add any lines to my config file or resources that references the folder?

Not that I’m aware of. I’m currently running - Home Assistant OS 5.12, supervisor-2021.03.6 and Home Assistant core-2021.3.2. But I’ve been running this setup since HA 0.116.

Dumb question, but did you add show_countdown_timer: true to the alarm panel card config?

I’m running Home Assistant in docker core-2021.3.4. I double checked and I do have show_countdown_timer: true in the config.
Does the timer only show upon trigger or should it show when it’s also pending arm?

Its likely something super simple and dumb that I’ve missed.

It should show both when arming (assuming arm time is non-zero), and when pending trigger.

Sorry I was incorrect earlier, I am getting the warning in the logs about the custom component for manual. It was lumped in with the warning for another custom component and had to be expanded to see. When I arm the system and it goes to Pending, it does not flash/blink or give the countdown timer.

You are using a custom integration manual which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant

Sounds like the custom manual component is there ok.
I wonder if the timer is being positioned incorrectly. Are you running landscape or portrait? Does it look any different from your phone or web browser? Did you try switching to the default theme to see if it makes a difference?

On the tablet I am in portrait. It looks the same on all devices, phone, laptop web browser. I just tried using the default theme but unfortunately the appearance of the icon when pending is the same.

my config:

  - platform: manual
    name: Home Alarm
    code_arm_required: false
#    state_topic: home/alarm
#    command_topic: home/alarm/set
    code: !secret alarm_code
    arming_time: 5
    trigger_time: 10
      trigger_time: 0
      arming_time: 5
      delay_time: 60
      trigger_time: 60

my lovelace card:

type: 'custom:alarm_control_panel-card'
entity: alarm_control_panel.home_alarm
show_countdown_timer: true
auto_hide: true
  - binary_sensor.front_door
  - binary_sensor.patio_door
  ui.card.alarm_control_panel.arm_away: AWAY
  ui.card.alarm_control_panel.arm_home: HOME
  ui.card.alarm_control_panel.clear_code: CLEAR
  ui.card.alarm_control_panel.disarm: DISARM
scale: 14px
  - arm_home
  - arm_away
  .: |
    button {
        background-color: steelblue !important;


not sure what’s up! I tried your manual config and Lovelace card and it looked fine here:

Could you please confirm that when you are arming, the Develop Tools, States, entity for your alarm control panel looks like this (including the state_duration attribute):

It looks like mine is missing some attributes when compared to yours. Is there any possibility the file on github differs from the one you are using?

Ah! You’re right, there is a difference. I recently pulled and merged the HA core branch into my branch, and I didn’t notice that they renamed some stuff in their commit:

and that change breaks my changes. And I didn’t replace my own running file with that merged file, so I didn’t notice the problem.

I’m sorry for the runaround. I’ll fix this and post a new link to my files here.


aha! Glad we managed to get to the bottom of it. No problem, I appreciate your time and attention on trying to get the countdown timer working for my setup.

I deleted my fork and just added the three manual files at:

Updated note in the readme:

  • to use the countdown timer, you must install my modified manual alarm component as a custom component. Download the three files from here, and copy them into a custom_components/manual subdirectory of your configuration directory (creating the directories as necessary).

Thanks for your patience. Let me know if that works for you.

1 Like

It works! Thank you John for all your help and time put into this.


Great news! Sorry again for the broken/untested merge.

Hi @johnplanetz ,
Great card mod. Thanks for that!

3 requests -

  1. any chance to fix the auto enter? I would like to use it only to disarm my alarm. I see some comment in the code that it doesn’t work. and it indeed doesn’t work for me.

  2. I’m using Alarmo that have a some great additions to the card:
    GitHub - nielsfaber/alarmo: Easy to use alarm system integration for Home Assistant
    maybe you could integrate some of the new features? especially the “A message is displayed when the arming of the alarm failed or the alarm has triggered, with an overview of the sensor(s) involved.”

  3. could you add the card to HACS? much easier to check for updates there.

Thanks @idomp for the feedback. I’ll look into fixing auto_enter.
Thanks to the link for Alarmo- I wasn’t aware of it, and it looks great! The code is very clean and well designed. (Unlike the card that I started with for my mod!)
Time permitting, I’ll look into adding that ‘list of open sensors’ feature. And I don’t know anything about adding a plugin to HACS, but will investigate.