Increase frequency update status

Hi, I received a new car and the corresponding app is not the best and should be optimized. Concretely it means I miss a push notification if I forget to close the car. Actually I thought it is quite easy to implement an automation in HA to send a message via Alexa on my phone.

For that I check the status of the door what I have already integrated in HA. So far so good but unfortunatelly it is so that it seems the door status of the car is requested just every 30min. Is there a way to increase the interval? Actually I would say I need an update every 10min.

If it is an integration that relies on the cloud then this low update rate may be because of a rate limit or total request limit per day imposed by the cloud API.

Which integration?

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Yes, it is a integration of the volkswagen app. Is there any way to find out whether the api cloud has a limit and if yes could I bypass it?

Which one?

There are at least two. You are not making it easy to help you.

Yes contact the integration developer.

No. Not unless you want to be known as the person that got the service blocked for every Home Assistant user.