I noticed that in some cases, it’s a little hard to change the setpoint temperature on the Thermostat Lovelace card.
Basically, you have to touch the dot (red arrow in attached image) pretty accurately to be able to drag it to a new position. When your tap is just a little bit off, it doesn’t drag the dot along. On my personal (6") phone it works well enough, but I noticed on a family members’ (4,5") phone with a smaller screen, I miss 2 out of 3 attempts. Even when seriously trying to be accurate.
I think it would be a little better if the “touch area” or dot size is increased a little (or make it customizable in yaml), so you don’t have to be extremely accurate with the tap and drag.
Or maybe even expand the touch area to the whole circle. So that when you touch the circle at some point, the setpoint dot moves to where you touched it.
What do you guys think?