Indoor Hue Motion Sensor Temperature not updating

Does anyone also have the problem that no temperature update is received from the Hue Indoor Motion Sensor? I am experiencing this problem since the last update of HA 2024.1.2. This applies to all my indoor Hue sensors.
The Hue Outdoor Motions sensor works well.

Just installed the motion sensors, initially temperature indication was working, but, I think after updating, temperature indication doesn’t update anymore. Movement and illumination detection still OK. Motion sensor data: SML003 update 2.53.6
Think the Philips HUE update caused this problem.

This is correct. I have contacted Phillips Hue and they have recognized the issue and made a fix. A new firmware for the Hue Motion Sensors will be available soon. They told me around the end of Q1. Hopefully available within a few days from now. :crossed_fingers:t2:

An issue I have with a new indoor sensor I recently purchased, it does not update the temperature until a movement is triggered…and sometimes the lux reading. My other indoor motion sensor I’ve had for a couple of years, is always a constant reading of temperature/lux.

edit: the difference is the existing PIR is registered in the Hue app, and the add-on, and the new one is only through Zigbee2MQTT.