Influx, Grafana, logging lost all Temperature entity logging?

I upgraded to 38.2 about 30 minutes ago and when I checked Grafana I noticed all my Temperature graphs have no data since about 9 hours ago (I don’t know whether the upgrade caused this) but all my other graphs are OK. I did upgrade from 35.3 and I realize there is a migration script… but I thought this was if you want to migrate the old data.
Anyway if I don’t care about the old data do I still need to migrate? Do I need to do anything else when upgrading from 35.3?

I hope you have looked at , more specifically, the Data Migration and Migration script part.

You need to migrate the DB. It says to do it before startup of 0.36. I hope it’s not too late yet.

hope you have looked at , more specifically, the Data Migration and Migration script part.

You need to migrate the DB. It says to do it before startup of 0.36. I hope it’s not too late yet.

Yes, I did see that and I did skip v36, however I realized after the upgrade that I should have migrated but the strange thing is everything worked except the temperature graphs- wierd.

Tried a couple of things but no luck so I decided to drop and re-create the home_assistant DB and everything seems to be working OK. Lost all my old data but I don’t really care as it was only about 2weeks worth.


I think I have the same problem. In my case i have no history of tmperature sensors, pir sensors ect. Can you post your commands to re-create the Database.

Best regards

was a while ago so I hope this is correct:

Probably a good idea to stop home assistant before doing this…

$ influx
$ SHOW DATABASES (this should show home_assistant)
$ DROP DATABASE home_assistant (this deletes the db)
$ SHOW DATABASES (should be none)
$CREATE DATABASE home_assistant
$ SHOW DATABASES (this should show home_assistant)
$ exit

Thats it… now restart home assistant and hopefully it will work.