InfluxDB asking for an authentication tag - no data acquired

I am running HAOS on proxmox on a mini pc and have been for c. 12 months. Everything is patched / updated and behaving normally but I want Grafana so need InfluxDB (going for local storage).
Using the built-in addons store I’ve installed v5.0.1 of the “HA Community Add-on: InfluxDB”
I have followed (I believe) the documentation - database is created, user is added, permissions applied, the following added to configuration.yaml and HA restarted.

host: the IP address of my proxmox HA instance
port: myPort
database: myDB
user: DBUser
password: myPasswordForDBUser
api_version: 1
ssl: false
max_retries: 3
default_measurement: state

The ‘developer tools’ / check configuration returns the following advisory:

Configuration warnings

Invalid config for ‘influxdb’ at configuration.yaml, line 64: some but not all values in the same group of inclusion ‘authentication’ ‘influxdb->’, got None

In Influx DB / Explore I see the myDB.autogen (not real name) and the _internal.monitor databases and selecting internal monitor I see the data items as expected. Unsurprisingly given a config error I see no data items in the myDB.autogen item.

Nothing that I have found in the documentation refers to an ‘authentication’ key.

Any thoughts? All help gratefully received!


I see my Yaml appears flattened - InfluxDB: is column0. Everything else is indented 2 spaces.



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So simple and I missed it over multiple reviews.
All working now.