InfluxDB - Change exclude to Include - Examples

Ok, so I wanted to put some effort in my ever growing influxdb which is now around 40Gb in size :-).

But like any other “tasks” in HA it’s not so simple.

I read about influxdb and I use the addon. I Assume I have v1 (not 2).
I have and exclude list now in recorder and in influxbd, mostly the same.
I tried to search how to cleanup influx, not found any helpful sources.
Then I tried to find out how to get “wanted” entities in influx:

  • only certain integrations (cannot find how to do this).

All these tasks… I end up in dead ends…

Thus I wanted to ask, just as a starter, can anyone who has an “include” list for influx please share it below?

Additionally - is it a good moment to start influxdb v2 ? Can 1 and 2 run in parallel?

This is my current config and added “include” config.
I am struggling to understand the rules of InfluxDB - Home Assistant

I expect that:

  1. the include will be included, then nothing else will be included.
  2. the exclude will all be extra excluded on top of the nothing else will be included.
# below the newly added entities I want to be included - remove #:
#  include:
#    domains:
#       - switch
#    entity_globs:
#       - sensor.power_*
#       - sensor.voltage_*
#       - sensor.current_*
#       - sensor.energy_*
#       - sensor.envoy_*
#       - sensor.growattmodbus*
#       - sensor.water*
#       - sensor.d1_02*
#       - sensor.fgms001_motion_sensor_air_temperature
#       - sensor.zw100_multisensor_6_humidity
#       - *deur*
#       - *door*
#       - *motion*
      - alert
      - automation
      - weblink
      - updater
      - camera
      - sun.sun # Don't record sun data
      - sensor.long_power_failure_count
      - sensor.power_tariff
      - sensor.short_power_failure_count
      - sensor.voltage_sags_phase_l1
      - sensor.voltage_swells_phase_l1
      - sensor.sensor_pixels
      - sensor.influxdb_db_size
      - sensor.power_kwh_to_watt
      - sensor.solar_percent_pzem 
      - sensor.pzem016modbus_a
      - sensor.pzem016modbus_w
      - sensor.solar_percent
      - sensor.binas*
      - sensor.synology*
      - sensor.double_take*
      - switch.wasmachine*
      - sensor.*_fps

I use include on an entity by entity basis. It’s a pain to maintain but Watchman helps when I forget to remove a sensor I no longer use:

host: a0d7b954-influxdb
port: 8086
database: homeassistant
username: homeassistant
password: !secret influxdb_pssword
max_retries: 3
default_measurement: state
    - binary_sensor.dark_outside
    - binary_sensor.downstairs_heat_pump_active
    - binary_sensor.front_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.front_camera_smart_motion_vehicle
    - binary_sensor.master_bed_occupied
    - binary_sensor.night_vision_active
    - binary_sensor.patio_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.pir_bathroom
    - binary_sensor.pir_dining
    - binary_sensor.pir_ensuite
    - binary_sensor.pir_entry
    - binary_sensor.pir_hall
    - binary_sensor.pir_laundry
    - binary_sensor.pir_lounge
    - binary_sensor.pir_master_bedroom
    - binary_sensor.pir_rumpus
    - binary_sensor.pir_spare_bedroom
    - binary_sensor.pir_stairwell
    - binary_sensor.pir_study
    - binary_sensor.pir_wardrobe
    - binary_sensor.pir_workshop
    - binary_sensor.rear_deck_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.rumpus_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.side_deck_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.side_deck_camera_smart_motion_vehicle
    - binary_sensor.spare_bed_occupied
    - binary_sensor.upstairs_heat_pump_active
    - binary_sensor.washing_camera_smart_motion_human
    - binary_sensor.workshop_camera_smart_motion_human
    - input_number.t93_daily_cost
    - input_number.master_bed_trigger_level
    - input_number.spare_bed_trigger_level
    - sensor.4g_downloaded
    - sensor.4g_uploaded
    - sensor.air_temperature
    - sensor.average_daily_cost
    - sensor.back_router_linkquality
    - sensor.bar_fridge_temperature_battery
    - sensor.bar_fridge_temperature_linkquality
    - sensor.bar_fridge_temperature_temperature
    - sensor.bathroom_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.bathroom_window_battery
    - sensor.bathroom_window_linkquality
    - sensor.breakfast_bar_linkquality
    - sensor.calculated_light_brightness
    - sensor.cinema_subwoofer_linkquality
    - sensor.cinema_window_battery
    - sensor.cinema_window_linkquality
    - sensor.processor_temperature
    - sensor.cumulative_energy_cost
    - sensor.database_size
    - sensor.dining_door_battery
    - sensor.dining_door_linkquality
    - sensor.dining_table_linkquality
    - sensor.dining_window_e_battery
    - sensor.dining_window_w_battery
    - sensor.dining_window_e_linkquality
    - sensor.dining_window_w_linkquality
    - sensor.dining_room_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.dishwasher_linkquality
    - sensor.disk_use_percent
    - sensor.doorbell_downstairs_wifi_signal
    - sensor.doorbell_upstairs_wifi_signal
    - sensor.electric_blanket_linkquality
    - sensor.electronics_bench_linkquality
    - sensor.energy_consumed_daily_total
    - sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_offpeak
    - sensor.energy_from_grid_daily_peak
    - sensor.energy_hot_water_daily_offpeak
    - sensor.energy_imported_daily_total
    - sensor.energy_inverter_daily
    - sensor.energy_to_grid_daily
    - sensor.ensuite_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.freezer_temperature_battery
    - sensor.freezer_temperature_linkquality
    - sensor.freezer_temperature_temperature
    - sensor.fridge_temperature_battery
    - sensor.fridge_temperature_linkquality
    - sensor.fridge_temperature_temperature
    - sensor.front_door_battery
    - sensor.front_door_linkquality
    - sensor.front_router_linkquality
    - sensor.fireplace_wifi_signal
    - sensor.grid_power
    - sensor.ha_downloaded
    - sensor.ha_uploaded
    - sensor.hobart_rain_since_9am
    - sensor.hobart_temp
    - sensor.hobart_wind_speed_knot
    - sensor.home_assistant_core_cpu_percent
    - sensor.home_assistant_core_memory_percent
    - sensor.home_assistant_supervisor_cpu_percent
    - sensor.home_assistant_supervisor_memory_percent
    - sensor.hot_water_rssi
    - sensor.hot_water_temperature
    - sensor.hourly_rainfall
    - sensor.hp_inlet_temperature
    - sensor.hp_return_temperature
    - sensor.influxdb_db_size
    - sensor.irrigation_wifi_signal
    - sensor.kitchen_leak_wifi_signal
    - sensor.kitchen_shelly_sw_rssi
    - sensor.kitchen_window_e_battery
    - sensor.kitchen_window_w_battery
    - sensor.kitchen_window_e_linkquality
    - sensor.kitchen_window_w_linkquality
    - sensor.lane_gate_battery
    - sensor.lane_gate_linkquality
    - sensor.laundry_door_battery
    - sensor.laundry_door_linkquality
    - sensor.laundry_leak_wifi_signal
    - sensor.lawn_moisture
    - sensor.led_table_linkquality
    - sensor.lounge_chair_reclined_battery
    - sensor.lounge_chair_reclined_linkquality
    - sensor.lounge_dehumidifier_control_wifi_signal
    - sensor.lounge_door_battery
    - sensor.lounge_door_linkquality
    - sensor.lounge_front_shelly_sw_rssi
    - sensor.lounge_rear_shelly_sw_rssi
    - sensor.lounge_room_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.lounge_room_temperature
    - sensor.lounge_window_e_battery
    - sensor.lounge_window_e_linkquality
    - sensor.lounge_window_s_battery
    - sensor.lounge_window_s_linkquality
    - sensor.mailbox_door_battery
    - sensor.mailbox_door_linkquality
    - sensor.mailbox_lid_battery
    - sensor.mailbox_lid_linkquality
    - sensor.master_bed_sensor
    - sensor.master_bedroom_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.master_bedroom_window_battery
    - sensor.master_bedroom_window_linkquality
    - sensor.mechanical_bench_linkquality
    - sensor.memory_use_percent
    - sensor.metering_power_absorbed
    - sensor.nas_free_pct
    - sensor.nas_mean_disk_temp
    - sensor.nbn_downloaded
    - sensor.nbn_uploaded
    - sensor.next_bill_estimate
    - sensor.nfc_scanner_wifi_signal
    - sensor.offpeak_cost_today
    - sensor.outside_light_level
    - sensor.outside_light_level_wifi_signal
    - sensor.pc_monitor_linkquality
    - sensor.peak_cost_today
    - sensor.pi3b_linkquality
    - sensor.processor_use
    - sensor.projector_uart_wifi_signal
    - sensor.pv_array_mismatch
    - sensor.pv_a_efficency
    - sensor.pv_b_efficency
    - sensor.pv_power_a
    - sensor.pv_power_b
    - sensor.rack_fan_linkquality
    - sensor.roof_space_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.roof_space_temperature
    - sensor.rumpus_dehumidifier_control_wifi_signal
    - sensor.rumpus_door_battery
    - sensor.rumpus_door_linkquality
    - sensor.rumpus_room_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.rumpus_room_temperature
    - sensor.self_solar_consumption_daily
    - sensor.shed_door_battery
    - sensor.shed_door_linkquality
    - sensor.shelly_em_rssi
    - sensor.soil_saturation
    - sensor.solar_earnings_today
    - sensor.solar_forecast_error
    - sensor.solar_power_consumed
    - sensor.spare_bed_sensor
    - sensor.spare_bedroom_dht_wifi_signal
    - sensor.spare_bedroom_window_battery
    - sensor.spare_bedroom_window_linkquality
    - sensor.spb_electric_blanket_linkquality
    - sensor.study_window_n_battery
    - sensor.study_window_n_linkquality
    - sensor.study_window_s_battery
    - sensor.study_window_s_linkquality
    - sensor.tank_temperature
    - sensor.tempered_water_temperature
    - sensor.toilet_window_battery
    - sensor.toilet_window_linkquality
    - sensor.total_cost_today
    - sensor.total_grid_power
    - sensor.total_power_consumed
    - sensor.uv_index
    - sensor.upstairs_heat_pump_power
    - sensor.washing_machine_linkquality
    - sensor.wled_wi_fi_rssi
    - sensor.workshop_chargers_linkquality
    - sensor.workshop_switch_wifi_signal
    - sensor.workshop_window_battery
    - sensor.workshop_window_linkquality
    - switch.hot_water
    - switch.zone_1
    - switch.zone_2
    - switch.zone_3

I keep 2 years of data and the size is at 4.5GB and falling as I removed some chatty wind speed sensors 2 years ago.


Why not use entity_globs for e.g. pir or battery?

And why include link quality etc.?

For precisely the reason this topic was written. The include logic is obscure at best, broken at worst.

Not that it is any of your business, it is so I can monitor long term trends after adding new repeater devices.

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I meanwhile stopped forwarding data to influx( I never really had a good case for analysing older data), thus my configuration might no longer work. also never had Influx2 running

I created template sensors for all entities I wanted to have in influx, all template sensors had a time based attribute to force updates every 5 minutes and all template sensors had a “_db” at the end of the entity name ( and a few where HA added the “_2” suffix…

My Influx config looked like this:

  port: 8086
      - binary_sensor.*_db
      - sensor.*_db
      - sensor.*_db_2

And I had all these template sensors excluded from the standard recorder because I didn’t want to store the data twice:

      - binary_sensor.*_db
      - sensor.*_db
      - sensor.*_db_2

Additionally, because I didn’t like that by default the measurement in influx was created by the unit of the entity ( measurements like “°C” or “%”), I overwrote the measurements in the influx configuration:

      override_measurement: humidity
      override_measurement: temperature
      override_measurement: valve
      override_measurement: battery
      override_measurement: akku
      override_measurement: climate
      override_measurement: synology


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I am sorry. I asked for maybe a reason I would need it as well.

I started another home assistant to “test”…

This is so true! Even if I specify specific entities (two) though everything is written in the DB…

According to the documentation this should not happen but it does…
With that in mind it’s not even feasible to start changing the config in my production setup…

This was my test config:

          - sensor.p1*

Then when alle entities entered influx I tried:

          - sensor.p1*
          - sensor.experia*

But that did not change anything…