InfluxDB change persistant path


I’m new in the HA-Community and a newbie in HA. So please forgive me, if I ask stupid questions…
And sorry, English is not my native language!

I using a NUC10 with i7 and 32 GB RAM with Ubuntu Server 20 and a Supervised HA installation. At the moment I have several add-ons installed and learn more every day.

Is it possible to change the path of the persistent data from InfluxDB to a secondary disk / partition / path?
HA and the other data is on the internal NVMe SSD. For the InfluxDB I wanna store all the Data on the second SATA-SSD…
Is this possible? and when yes, how? :slight_smile:
I have also no experience with docker…

Thanks and best regards

managed it by installing InfluxDB-Docker manually and not with the add-on-store.
now all is fine :slight_smile: