Influxdb component running but influx database is empty

Hello everyone.

Today I decided to give a try to influxdb component, so I followed instructions from here, here and influx website.

Latest 1.3 version was installed and influx seems to be running properly. When I enter in http://IP:8086/query?q=SHOW+DATABASES, I get:

Still then, database seems not to be populated by HASS, as when I do SELECT * FROM sensor, from influx CLI, I get nothing.

Debug for component shows no messages and info level shows influx component seems to be working properly.

Anyone has a working influxdb installation on an RPi3 with Jessie and can share any thoughts?

Thanks in advance.

I have influxdb running fine (since last December), but I don’t really have any great ideas as to what could be wrong.

There were a few changes to influxdb component in recent releases which may have made the installation instructions a little stale. One was to do with specifying entities to be updated in influxdb, which might be the problem. You may need to search the release notes to find it.

Also, I was looking at Prometheus over the weekend, and it looks a little less heavyweight, so I think you should also consider that if you are just starting out. I couldn’t see a way of migrating my data, so I think I’m stuck.

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I’ll give Prometheus a try anyway.

@pplucky did you manage to get a this working? I seem to have the same problem. Do you know where to specify the db file for hassio to save the data?

I suggest you create a new thread in the category. A installation is going to be very different and anyone who hasn’t used it is not going to know the answer to this.

Good point, I must have misread the original post as I thought the posted was referring to HassIO.