Influxdb host is unreachable

I quite often get an error message after rebooting the hassio docker image. It indicates the Influxdb host is unreachable, but when I look at the container of influxdb it is up and running. The issue goes away after a few restarts of the hassio container, but is still annoying. I already set the max_retry_count to 20 but that didn’t resolve the issue.

Any thoughts on how to prevent this error?

See log below:

Database host is not accessible due to ‘HTTPConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=8086): Max retries exceeded with url: /query?q=SHOW+SERIES+LIMIT+1%3B&db=home_assistant (Caused by NewConnectionError(’<urllib3.connection.HTTPConnection object at 0x7f227cfa1748>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] Host is unreachable’,))’, please check your entries in the configuration file (host, port, etc.) and verify that the database exists and is READ/WRITE

Does anyone have a clue? Am still experiencing this issue…