InfluxDB information (database size) as sensor in Home Assistant

I finally managed to realize this (obviously the need was not that high looking at the amount of time since the OP :smile: ).

Basically when using HA OS there needs to be ANY workaround to make this work reliably. The best one with fewest downsides I could find and tend to recommend is using the community SSH addon as tool/information source. Two implementation options:

There are a few little things to look at (e. g. Unreliable InfluxDB size sensor - #57 by e-raser) but it seems to work quite good. Information flow in generel is:

  1. SSH addon
  2. :arrow_right: file/MQTT broker
  3. :arrow_right::arrow_right: reading from 2 and creating a sensor

A lot of useful information on those two options (and other implementations/possibilities) are in that already recommended topic.