InfluxDb migration script?

How do I run it? :slight_smile:

I have tried

pi@hass:~ $ hass --script influxdb_migrator -d hass
-bash: hass: command not found

Im running Raspberry Pi All-In-One Installer

What happen if I alredy restarted hass without running the script after upgrade?


No one who knows what Iā€™m doing wrong?

I have just been running it this morning.

  1. You need to be the user that is running HA. This depends on which version of AIO you used. Later ones the user was homeassistant, previously it was hass. Do ls /users to find out.
  2. You need run the script to set up the virtual environment for hass, just as you do when you upgrade.

Here was my output

(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ hass --script influxdb_migrator -d home_assistant
Cloning from home_assistant to home_assistant__old
 [####################################################################] 100.0%

Migrating from home_assistant__old to home_assistant
 [####################################################################] 100.0%

(homeassistant) homeassistant@raspberrypi:/home/pi $ exit

It took about 2.5 hours on my PI B+, so be patient.

Correction - use

ls /home

to find out which user was created. I was in microsoft world.

Awesome, this did it. This Virtual Environment always confuses me. Im running the old AIO installation so for me it is.

sudo su -s /bin/bash hass

source /srv/hass/hass_venv/bin/activate

(hass_venv) hass@hass:/home/pi$ hass --script influxdb_migrator -d hass
