InfluxDB more than one main DB?

I have a scenario where I added influxdb to HA, however I have many other things setup that do not add data to the actual ha database and they are setup within their own db on the same influxdb instance.


home_assistant: baked in data from the influxdb install/setup with the influxdb install
other_sensors: used prior to HA and contains the vast majority of my information

When installing the influxdb integration/add-on in HA I chose to use an external influxdb instance and then that’s when I created the home_assistant db. All of the databases are under the same influxdb instance.

I want to create/provide a state from a datapoint that is within the “other_sensors” database, however from my understanding this is not possible because HA can only be connected to one DB (from searching online). By default, HA is connected to the home_assistant db that was created when installing the influxdb addon/integration.

Is it not possible to retrieve data from another database from the same influxdb instance?