In an effort to minimize junk data logging I began setting include entities/domains for the components recorder, logbook, history and influxdb
Using only includes (no excludes) I set the same values for all four components and restarted Home Assistant. Immediately I noticed my Graphana graphs were stuck at the latest values before restart. After much troubleshooting I’ve come to conclusion:
If I use the include domain: in the influxdb component, nothing is logged to influxdb.
Here’s an example of a config not working:
> influxdb:
> host:
> port: 8086
> username: !secret influxdb_user
> password: !secret influxdb_pass
> database: !secret influxdb_database
> include:
> entities:
> - sensor.multisensor_ute_temperature
> - sensor.rain_general
> - sensor.ups_power_status
> - sensor.yr_temperature
> domains:
> - automation
> - device_tracker
> - light
> - switch
If I omit the domains: section it starts logging to influxdb again.
I’ve now tried removing individual entries from the domains: list but it didn’t change anything, as long as the domains: is present it does not log anything.
Running Home Assistant official Docker image 55.2
Any ideas?
Edit: I can see the intendation is wrong in this paste, but it is not in the configuration file.